3 Impactful Ways To Give Back In 2021

Women have achieved new heights in every field. This success allows them to give back to their communities now more than ever before. Through mentoring, donations, and volunteering, women in business have been able to have a major impact on the lives of others.
One example of a successful businessperson giving back is philanthropist Mackenzie Scott. Scott donated a total of 4.2 billion dollars to a variety of organizations, including small colleges. Hers is one of the most financially impactful donations of 2020. A person does not have to have access to millions of dollars to give back in a meaningful way. Every person, no matter their location on the economic scale can give back in a way that can change a person’s life. There are many ways in which we can help our communities. Giving back is as personal as the individual performing the action. There is always a need.

Here are some ways we can all give back in 2021:
1. Volunteering
Everyone has a least a spare hour or two each week that can be spent volunteering. This can take the form of making phone calls to the elderly, shopping for groceries for the housebound, distributing food at a pantry or any other way, big or small that we can think of to make a person’s life easier. Community organizations, religious institutions, and private establishments are always in need people who are willing to donate their time and expertise.
2. Mentoring
Young children, high school students, college students and young adults entering a career field all need guidance. Mentoring is a way to teach a person the skills they need to be successful. It enables the mentor to exercise their knowledge and skills, and it helps the mentee to learn from an expert. Both parties’ benefit. Mentoring enables people to become better versions of themselves. It creates an environment that encourages sharing and uplifting.
3. Donations
Donations do not always have to be money. Though money is the most common form of donation and can range from the smallest amount to millions of dollars, there are other impactful ways to donate. Food pantries are always in need of donations. You can pick up canned goods, produce and water to donate to a local pantry. Homeless shelters welcome donations of clothing, toiletries, books, and stationary. Other forms of donations include blood drives for hospitals, pet food and toys for shelters, and furniture for transitional housing.
These are just a few specific examples of ways we can give back. Get creative and think of ways to make a big impact in the world. Though we are going through hard times we can still make it easier on people in need.