10 Faux Pas To Avoid In Your First 6 months Of Employment

This is a guest post from SpreadsheetsandStilettos.com.
1.) Being late. (There is never a good excuse- it simply says you don’t respect your team or your boss’ time)
2.) Sign off an email with ‘x’ or ‘xo’ to your Boss, a very senior person, or worse, a client…
3.) Go to Banana Republic (Or Next for my UK ladies) at 8am to buy a new outfit cause you didn’t make it home last night only to bump into your boss in there….
4.) OR… Attempt to rock yesterday’s outfit and totally get busted
5.) In an attempt to look ‘hip’ at the workplace you wear some awful/inappropriate outfit to around the office, this includes: Jeggings, Leggings, Ugg Boots, Rain boots, short shorts, low cut tops or a skirt that is more than half way up your thigh…
6.) Allow people to call you by your college nick name (Example: ‘My name is Emily Candice but you can call me HC- which means Hot Candy’… No. No. No.)
7.) Refuse to do your bosses photocopying / get coffee/ get lunch with some statement like ” I didn’t get an Ivy League education just to do this”
8.) Spend at least 20 mins in a meeting room with people you don’t recognize until you realize you’re in the wrong meeting room…
9.) Fall asleep during a vital training course and only realize when the instructor shouts ” you in the green top wake up” (this is episode was the result of you spending the previous night buying said trainer jäger shots in an attempt to get them down with the kids)
10.) Go for a after work drink with a male collage and only realize 30mins later that its in fact a date…