13 Unique and Fun Ways to Shake Things Up Today

If your feet are itching to make a move, you’re already in tune with the theme of the day. Today is Richter Scale Day, a day to honor the methodical approach to measuring seismic movements.
In an effort to approach this holiday celebrating Charles Richter and his way of measuring quakes, you are hereby challenged to shake up your world by daring to do something new, inventive, and — dare it be said — earth-shattering.
To help you in this venture, take a look at this list of unique and fun ways to celebrate the day. It goes in order of boldness, with the beginning quakes starting at the top and the more drastic moves hitting the bottom.
1. Play Laser Tag
Remember that time in high school when you got all of your friends together and whooped them at laser tag? Relish in virtual destruction by arranging a night out to hit the arcade and trying a battle of laser tag. You’ll be running and huffing all over the place, pumping your heart rate and honing in on your long-lost skills.
2. Swap Out Beauty Products
There’s nothing like living dangerously when you swap out your nail or lip color. Check out Pinterest to learn some new beauty techniques, try colors you’ve never dared, and feel refreshed with a new look.
3. Try a New Food
How often do you sit down to the same meal every day? If you tend to be particularly bland in your food choices, try shaking it up a bit with some new cuisine. Grab a bite at a new restaurant or try a new recipe.
4. Host a Party
Celebrate Richter Scale Day in a group. Play games like Jenga or Topple, and find pleasure in watching it all fall down.
5. Go for a Drive…Without a GPS
This should be a reminder of the good ole days — the time before your GPS led you to the middle of nowhere and back again. Take a drive or extended trip without an itinerary and with only a handy map (do you still own one of those?). See where the road takes you; just make sure you fill up your tank before you go.
6. Join an Exercise Class
If the gym’s not doing it for you, try hitting the swimming pool or taking a Zumba or yoga class. Get experience in another realm of fitness, make some new friends, and trim up your bod.
7. Get a New Haircut
Let your hair down — or up or to the side or anyway that changes your look. If you’ve always wanted to try out a new hairstyle but have been afraid to do it, now’s the time. Go out on a limb and try a new color, shape or length.
8. Test-Drive Your Dream Car
You may never get a chance to own that Mustang, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take one for a spin. Head over to the local dealer and see if your dream car can become yours for a few minutes.
9. Learn a New Skill
Maybe you’ve always wanted to learn how to fold paper airplanes or paint a picture like your favorite artist. Seize the day and give it a whirl. Aside from being just plain fun, learning a new skill may also help prevent memory loss, beneficial for any of your future seismic movements. Who knows? You may just unlock a secret talent that was lurking beneath the surface.
10. Overcome a Fear
If you’ve always been afraid of public speaking, today’s the day to overcome your shaking knees by finding an opportunity to challenge your fear. Whether this means taking a public speaking class or signing up to read a verse at church, you’ll feel like you’ve really taken a leap and become better for it.
11. Go back to School
Whether or not it’s for just a few courses or to get a new degree, going back to school can open up your options and send you spiraling in a new and exciting direction. Check out Coursera for free online courses from top universities.
12. Change your environment
Tired of the same scenery day to day? Shift your world by packing your bags and heading to a new place. Hop on a plane and fly off to your favorite destination, or plan a staycation somewhere close to home. Browse Air B-N-B for ideas of cozy homes away from home you can escape to.
13. Add a New Member to Your Family
Whether or not this means taking the plunge into matrimony, adding kids to the mix, or getting a new fur-baby, you’re sure to feel the magnitude of this change pretty quickly.
Use these ideas as inspiration for making a move to shake up your life today. It’s up to you how your seismic movement will measure on the Scale.