23 Life Lessons Learned By 23

After taking a few days to silently reflect on life, I decided to email my closest friends asking the question “What are some of the most important life lessons you’ve learned thus far.” What I received in my inbox were the heartfelt ups and downs and growing pains of 4 amazing yet different young women. I read lessons I had not thought about or learned myself, which means there was no way I could keep the list to myself. I find it important that as we grow, in age and life; we should find ourselves in the space of sharing and educating one another. As women, if there is something that I can learn from you and vice versa, we should exchange. So here is an exchange from my friends and I: 23 important lessons learned by 23.
- Living up to your potential is solely dependent on your willingness to determine exactly what that is.
- When travelling out of the country it is important to know basic exchanges in Spanish and French, you’ll get far with both.
- Having one friend you can tell everything and anything to is essential.
- Replace coffee with green tea. It’s healthier and gives you a greater boost of energy
- Buy one really expensive item for yourself every six months.
- Living without a microwave will result in one of two things: healthier eating habits, or a fast-food habit.
- Keep a pair of all purpose heels in your car.
- The quickest way to make a new friend is over food…or drinks.
- Learn how to read a map. If you’re far from a cell phone tower and Google maps isn’t working, you always have a back up.
- Skip the clubs on weekends and go to happy hour during the week. Why? Happy Hour is cheaper, you’ll see the same people, hear the same music, the drinks are half the cost, and it’s a great opportunity to network.
- Treat everything like it’s your first. Whether it be a new pair of shoes, or the job you’ve always wanted… you’ll appreciate it more.
- Avoid those enticing store credit card ads. You should only have one major credit card.
- Everyday of your life is a new page in your story. Live your life like a book you never want to put down.
- Know that it always gets better.
- Have a guy best friend.
- Never be embarrassed to see a therapist.
- If it sounds like a pyramid scheme, it’s a pyramid scheme. Don’t invest your money with people or companies that don’t seem legitimate.
- Not everyone gets to make it to the end of your life with you.
- Know how to articulate your needs for yourself because no one else will.
- Invest in “me time” regularly. Go to the movies, dinner, or a concert alone. Learn to enjoy you!
- Taking a trip by train is an experience you’ll love or hate, but it will teach you patience.
- Love yourself enough to know when to let go, and when to keep pushing.
- Expect the best, and you’ll be surprised at the people and opportunities you attract.
What life lessons have you learned in your 20’s? Share them in the comments below!