3 Easy Ways to Reignite Your Motivation Despite Your Current Circumstances

We all can get a little frustrated with our current circumstances when we know our true potential and abilities. Whether you’re an unemployed graduate or in between some BS starter job, don’t let the little gray cloud of struggles rain on your parade. All things take time to prosper and any opportunity with longevity will not come easy.
So while you’re preparing for your moment, here are some low cost and easy ways to stay motivated along the way.
1. Attend an event relating to your desired field.
There is nothing worse than living life not doing what you love to do. If you feel as if you are straying away from your purpose, attend an event relating to your desired field. The great thing about attending events is that you never know who you may meet and you might even get inspired. If you’re not sure how to find events relating to your field, possibly friend or follow publicists in your hometown. Also, Her Agenda has an entire page dedicate to this which you can access at any time, here.
2. Adopt a healthy regimen
Whether it’s meditation, eating well, or exercising — it makes you feel good. As millennials, we can be so hell bent on “making it happen” before 25 (although we say that should not be your focus). The more you focus on what you are not doing or what you don’t have yet, the more unneeded stress you bring into your life. The last thing somebody with a lack of motivation needs is stress. The correlation of healthy living and happy thoughts is proven – endorphins are in.
3. Fuel your dream with the money from your not so hot starter job.
A starter job is just what it is…a start. Don’t blow your money by rewarding yourself with that expensive handbag because you survived two more weeks of micromanagement. Instead, when you get a paycheck, save the money to fuel your dream so it can become your reality. Although you may be unhappy at your current nine to five, life is more fulfilling when you are contributing to something that you believe in. The money you put aside can easily be used to purchase a domain name, a professional camera, or even a monthly subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud. Whatever it is that you like doing, using the money from your job to fund your dream will put you in a position to become self-made. There is nothing more motivating than creating your own opportunity.