3 Issues College Women Are Concerned With In The Political World

According to the Harvard Political Review, college students are predominately liberal. Sietse Goffard, a former chair of the Harvard Institute of Politics National Campaign committee, told HPR that since the number of college students are liberal, registering them will only increase the number of democrats even more. A possible explanation for why college students are predominately liberal may have to do with their active participation on campuses around the country.
1. Foreign Policy
Millennials are thought to care about a more strong and clear vision of a better world. However, many millennials have the stereotype that they only care about their own economic standpoint and social issues; which is misleading.
As college students, we are the generation going through a continuous war on terror. We have lived through the September 11, 2001 attacks and knew that ever since then, things would drastically change. The War On Terror does not just affect us as humans, but it affects everything around us; including human rights to our fellow Muslim neighbors, and our encompassing views of what it actually mean to be an American. We are concerned for our future in foreign policy and hope that our new President can see it the way millennials do.
2. Justice System
In 2015, at least six Black women this year died under the watch of police officers. The mistreatment of Black women is rarely acknowledged and communities of color are routinely subjected to violence.
“The candidates must address racist state violence so that I can believe I will survive a traffic stop,” Mekha McGuire an alumnus at University of Kentucky said.
This is not a Black issue, this is a national issue. The national issue of Black Lives Matters have reached the college campuses. These issues will not disappear with the lack of awareness from political parties and especially our current president.
3. Student Debt
As a college student, it is rare not to hear about money being an topic of discussion regarding the college or university you are attending. This constant stressor of debt does not make learning enjoyable. College students should be able to pursue the path that is most interesting to us without feeling the guilt of asking, “But, will that put me in deeper debt than I already am?”
A study posted in the Wall Street Journal, produced in 2015, states that on average, 70% of students have $35,000 of debt. So in total, the amount of student debt in America is This is only growing rapidly, increasing up to 84% since 2008. Students are in constant fear that once they reach graduation that they will not be able to support themselves because all of their money earned by a job will be spent on paying back loans. “We won’t be able to afford houses, and will be forced to delay starting families,” John Damianos, an alumnus at Dartmouth College, says. Loans are increasing which means that college is getting harder and harder to afford, yet it is still just as necessary to attend.