3 Simple Solutions For Combatting Workplace Body Aches And Pains
Completing work tasks can be brutal at times. Sitting in the same position all day can be harmful to your joints and muscles, leading to a pain that you quickly grow accustomed to.
You now see the pain as a result of working hard. Although that sounds like a good way to look at the pain, it is not true. Unfortunately, the aches and pains as a result of work can lead to long-term musculoskeletal problems.
The American Optometric Association stated that digital eye strain affects 58% of adults. The study further found that digital eye strain can lead to shoulder pain and headaches. National Center of Bio Technology found leg pain to be prominent in workplaces. As the statistics show, people are not alone in the discomfort and aches they feel at work.
Luckily there are ways to combat body aches at work. You will have to do a few shifts in your workplace to improve comfort.
1. Personalize Your Desk Chair
Slouching and incorrect measurements of a desk chair can cause lower back pain, according to UCLA health. The metrics of your desk chair are not only for comfortability but for your health as well. The armrest, backrest, seat, and base should fit your level of comfortability. Follow the Occupational Safety and Health Administration guidelines for a safe and comfortable desk chair.
2. Customize Desk Height
Ergonomics is the science of designing the workplace. The CDC states Ergonomics is a way to prevent joint pain and other musculoskeletal problems. Desk height factors into that science. According to Human Tech, a seated desk be 24 to 29 inches off the ground. If your desk is too high raise your chair and add a footrest. If the desk is too low use risers to lift it.
3. Watch The Screen Carefully
Viewing an electronic screen can cause a strain on the eyes. Research also shows that people forget to blink when looking at digital screens. Minimal blinking can lead to dryness and irritation. Lessen the negative impact of screens by giving your eyes a break. Experts suggest the 20-20-20 rule. The 20-20-20 rule states, after you look at a screen for 20 minutes, look away at an object that is 20 feet away for 20 seconds. In addition to the 20-20-20, be sure to blink every 15-20 seconds. You can also dim your computer screen and make sure the screen is not too close to your face.
As someone who uses their time, energy, and attention to advance a company, you deserve to be comfortable at work. A promise of comfortability should be included as a way to show appreciation for your efforts.
The solutions provided here are simple and small, but they can make a major difference. Your future self will thank you for saving your body from persisting muscle and joint pain.
If the pain persists and starts to interfere with everyday functionality, please consult a local healthcare provider.