Top Exercises For Those Who Hate…Well, Exercising

“Lazy-girl workout.”
“Abs in six minutes.”
“Low-impact HIIT.”
If any of these are in your search history when looking for exercises to do, then it may be time for something new. Workouts are meant to be fun and challenging — an activity to celebrate the amazing things your body can do while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If you’ve been feeling unmotivated to work out or just outright hate exercising, consider spicing it up with these four fun ways to incorporate exercise into your daily routine.
(Disclaimer: The exercises mentioned in this article are for educational and motivational purposes only. Please consult with your physician or health-care provider before starting any of the exercises mentioned.)
Take a dance class.

Consider jazzing up your workout with a dance class! There’s no questioning on whether you can get a great exercise out of dancing. According to Carolina Dance, “there are a lot of health benefits with dancing like improved flexibility, strength building, calorie burning, improved heart and blood circulation.” Dancing is also a mood booster which instantly increases your endorphin (“happy” hormone) levels. In October, I explored a variety of dance exercise classes like a Soca n Sweat class by Royal G, zumba class and a pole dancing class. There are many varieties of dance so find one that suits your style!
Go for a walk.

Please do not underestimate the power of walking. Especially with many of us spending more time at home or at a desk, it’s important to consciously take midday breaks and go for a walk. Walking still remains one of the best forms of cardio because it can strengthen your heart, lungs and muscles. If you’re more purpose-driven in your walking, I suggest walking for a cause like the Breast Cancer Walk or the Aids Walk. Walking with a purpose can also include choosing a specific destination to walk to such as the grocery store or running errands. If you’re more of a go with the flow walker, consider taking a walk around your neighborhood with a friend, dog, or solo.
Do a yoga flow.

I’ve been doing Vinyasa yoga for a year now and it’s a great way to add movement into your schedule without all the panting and sweating you may experience from a gym workout. Staying consistent with yoga will increase your strength, flexibility and balance skills. Yoga is also beneficial for mindfulness and can leave you feeling stress-free after each practice. Yoga is so versatile and today yogis add their own flare to their practices. When I’m in the mood to do a flow alone, I love to follow along with a video from Arianna Elizabeth. Most recently, I took a Yoga with Goats class and it was such a fun experience where I got to cuddle, stretch with friendly goats and balance one on my back. Search “Yoga classes near me” to see what yoga classes are taking place in your own neighborhood.
Start cycling.

Build up your muscular strength and endurance with cycling. If you live in a city where bikes are available to rent don’t hesitate to grab one and go! Riding around your city is a great way to explore, travel, and workout. If you’re interested in an indoor cycling experience, SoulCycle offers new riders a pass for $20 to cycle with an instructor. Incorporating cycling also gives you a reason to purchase cute biker short sets all in the name of fitness.