5 Effective Ways To Follow Through With Your New Year’s Intentions

As quarter one brings in the new year, it brings in the feeling of new beginnings and a fresh perspective on what we want to accomplish in the next 365 days to follow. Though the main focus of New Year’s Intentions has shifted from working out and eating healthy, the priority to always be the happiest and healthiest self that you can be, remains the same.
Whether your resolution is to create more art, get in shape, or as simple as taking more time for yourself, it can be difficult to stay motivated as the holidays wind down and life starts to pick back up.
We’ve gathered 5 enjoyable ways that can help you stay on course and crush your goals this year.
1. Indulge In A Podcast
Listening to a podcast is an excellent way to entertain yourself while you’re implementing all types of healthy habits in your life. If you’re starting slow, consider finding a podcast that uploads once a week. When the new episode of the podcast goes live, use this as your cue to take the time for yourself and listen while you take a walk, work out, or write and paint. If you’re someone that needs extra incentive, find a motivational podcast like Happier With Gretchen Rubin. If you like true crime, we suggest My Favorite Murder with hosts Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark. Podcasts are an easy and accessible way to keep entertained while you dominate your day.
2. Phone A Friend
If you’re a person that struggles with accountability, reach out to a friend that will brainstorm your resolutions together, and call each other while you’re executing your plans. You don’t have to take a walk, make a meal plan, or fold your laundry as soon as it gets out of the dryer, alone. Communicate with your partner-in-resolution-crime and keep each other motivated and accounted for, while growing closer through your need for improvement!

3. Gentle Reminders From Anywhere
After the year of 2020, mental health is more important than ever. If your resolution is to be kinder to yourself, give gratitude, or practice positive affirmations, we understand. Setting reminders on your phone is an easy and free way to prompt you to stop and take a breath every once in a while. Reminders that pop up on your screen are a perfect way to take your attention away from social media and on to yourself. Think about adding quotes that motivate you, a message from a loved one that makes you smile, or simple reminders that encourage better choices.
4. Old Fashioned Note On The Mirror
What’s better than waking up and seeing a note on the mirror telling you a positive affirmation? Nothing. For mental health reminders and resolutions, try purchasing an aesthetic stationary set that gets you excited to add daily reminders and even more excited to read them. Notes that are on display in your house, car, and work place, are simple ways to put positive thoughts in your head early in the morning and as your day is winding down.
5. Reward Yourself
Once you’ve fulfilled your goals and resolutions for the day, week, or month, just like we knew you would, it’s important to reward yourself. Take time out of your day to reflect on the progress you’ve made and treat yourself accordingly. According to Psychestudy, a website dedicated to providing well researched topics of psychology, they’ve explained that extrinsic incentives increase productivity and encourage behavior that otherwise would not have been done. In other words, rewarding yourself after you’ve accomplished your task is an important part of continuing your motivation for the goals set ahead.
A new year brings in 365 new days that have opportunities waiting for you. Stay motivated in your ambitions with our 5 simple and motivational steps and crush the new year.