5 Signs Working Remote Is Not For You

The goal of remote work is to give employees the opportunity to execute projects and daily tasks without having to commute to an office, Working from home peeked the interests of hundreds of employees during the COVID pandemic and even way after. Working remotely has its benefits. It was convenient during the COVID pandemic, and has helped so many people reconstruct their lives in a way that fits them both professionally and personally. For example, first time mothers who work from home now have the space and time to work and spend time with their kids without worrying about the distance and commute.

Maybe you have a side hustle that you have been itching to spend more time on. Working remotely, gives that opportunity to create a schedule where you can incorporate more time after work for that side hustle.
Although working remotely has its perks, there are a lot of people that are uncertain whether remote work is right for them. Therefore, here are five signs remote work is not for you:
1. You Thrive Off Of Human Interaction
Working from home can be difficult and isolating especially if you are someone who feeds off of human interaction. Many of us love the idea of going into an office and seeing coworkers pass by or interacting with associates during lunch break. If this sounds like you, remote work can feel a bit isolating. Many of us may have experienced the zoom Meetings and phone calls and have realized that the conversations and connections through Zoom meetings are not the same as in person. Maybe you are someone who needs the side conversations in the back round and the sound of fingers typing as a subconscious reminder that you have other people in the same team.

2. You Lack Work/Life Balance
Raise your hand if you are the type to let work bleed into your family life? Remote work may not be for you. A lot of us may be passionate about our job which is great, but sometimes the drive to want to get as much done in one day can tempt us into working past our normal working hours. This is when we miss dinner time with our family, date night with our significant other or even the simple process of decompressing before bed. You may do better commuting to an office and having to clock out there where you are encouraged to leave your work.
3. You Need Structure And Accountability
We all can use some accountability, but some of us more than others. Remote work may not be for you if you are someone that needs that extra push. When working from home, most of the motivation and accountability comes from you. You make your own schedule and divide your 8 hours in the way that seems fit for you. If this sounds intimidating, maybe you are someone that needs the benefits of structure, with a public office that has other employees and supervisors that can support you in person.
4. Culture Shock
Many people have a difficult time readjusting to new systems and structures, which can make transitioning to remote work a challenge for some employees. Maybe you are someone that does not do well with huge transitions and changes within the work environment. If that is the case, this can lead to feeling unsupported and result in a decline in work performance.
5.Exploring A New Career
If you are exploring a new career field it can be challenging to start off working remote. Maybe you are someone that needs to interact and mingle with other employees to learn more about their experience in the field. Working remote and having these conversations through Zoom meetings makes it difficult to really get a feel on people’s experiences and recommendations.