5 Tips For Writing A Twitter Bio That Makes People Want To Follow You

It’s hard to believe that there was a time when we weren’t expected to convey all of our thoughts and feelings in 140-character messages. But alas, that is the world we live in.
Twitter is SO important for business and entrepreneurs who are trying to get work, establish a brand, or just stay in the know.
And unlike on LinkedIn, Twitter users only get a few clues about who you are and what you are about before they decide to click “Follow” or move along.
That’s why it is essential to have a great Twitter bio. Think of it as the new business card. Only a few lines tell your potential followers (or customers or employers or clients) whether you’re quirky and unique, smart and professional, or just behind the times. Here are a few tips for writing a Twitter bio that will get their attention.
1. Ask yourself: why am I on Twitter?
Showing personality is great, but make sure that your bio reflects your intention. It’s great if you love puppies and knit for fun, but is that what you want to share with the Twittersphere? If you ACTUALLY want to tell them that you are a kickass web designer and someone needs to hire you, you should talk about that more than kittehs. Start with that and then list some of the great companies you have worked with, plus a link to your web site. Blam-o!
Pro-tip: Linking to your website is a good idea, but too many links can make your bio look sales-y. Keep that in mind when you decide what to include.
2. Do not lie or embellish
Twitter is a place where people have no fear when it comes to calling out people or criticizing them, so don’t make yourself an easy target. Don’t say you are a social media expert or great photographer in your bio and then have nothing to show for it, because people will see this and be upset.
3. Proofread it, for real
Even though Twitter can seem super casual and yes this is a very short bio, it is still your name and brand. So for goodness sake, use spellcheck and make sure it makes sense!
4. Do not use a quote
Hey, I like Robert Frost as much as the next girl but there is a time and a place for quotes. If I am trying to get a job this is probably not it (unless your business is literally a Robert Frost quote).
5. Say what you are, not what you wish you were
Abide by Rule #2, but don’t sell yourself short. Instead of calling yourself an “aspiring web designer,” how about “passionate web designer of three-months.” That tells users what you DO, not just what you dream of, while staying honest.