6 Questions You Should Always Ask In An Interview

You’re thoroughly prepared for the interview – you’ve researched the company, learned a bit about the interviewer, and memorized the job description.
As the interview progresses, you’ve answered every question perfectly and you’re pretty sure you nailed it. But then, the dreaded question arises, “Do you have any questions for me?”
Hiring managers love when an interviewee takes an interest in the company, and one of the best ways to show a genuine interest is to have questions prepared ahead of time. This shows that you want to learn more about the job, company, and candidate requirements.
Check out this list of the top 6 no-fail questions to ask during your next interview:
1. How does the company measure its employees’ successes and failures?
If you’re someone who hates metrics, a sales or revenue goal system will likely put a strain on your happiness. If social situations aren’t your strong suit and building business relationships and developing a rapport with colleagues is a marker of success at your potential new company, that position might not be the right fit for you.
Feeling successful in your job will motivate you more than anything, so it is essential for success to be measured in a way that makes you comfortable.
2. What are a couple of the greatest challenges this company faces day-to-day?
Hiring managers will appreciate this question because it shows you are a problem solver. Plus, it’s good to know what issues you will be dealing with (and might be expected to solve) if you accept the role.
3. What will be the main goal for the person hired into this position?
It is easy to become overwhelmed by a list of job requirements in an interview. Asking the interviewer what they expect to be the top goal for the new employee will help you narrow the focus of the role and determine if it is the right fit for you.
4. What qualities are you looking for in the person you choose to hire?
This is a great question with which to chime in early in the interview. By now, the hiring manager has a pretty good idea of your strongest skills and qualities based on your resume. However, if you’re hired, the answer to this question will show you exactly which qualities you should let shine day-to-day.
5. What do you (as the interviewer) love the most about this company?
Frankly, people love to talk about themselves. Sure, you’ll learn something cool about the company, but you’ll also leave a positive memory of yourself with the interviewer while they consider their opinions. Furthermore, if the interviewer struggles to come up with an answer, you’ll know it’s a red flag.
6. How would you describe this company’s culture?
Company culture is a huge factor in the happiness of employees. When applying for jobs, you should do some research on the company culture of each. Glassdoor is a great resource for learning about the culture of each company through the eyes of current and past employees.
An interview should be an open conversation, but nerves often prevent an easy, comfortable repartee from occurring. Come prepared with these questions to show the interviewer that you are excited and prepared to take on this new position.