6 Tips That Can Help You Afford To Travel More in Your Twenties

Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to quit your job or sell all of your possessions to begin traveling in your twenties. With a little (ok, a lot) of monetary discipline and planning, you can begin arranging for your next big trip.
Unfortunately, there are no free rides when it comes to traveling. You will have to sacrifice in areas of your life if traveling is a top priority. If you find yourself scrolling through your newsfeed, constantly wondering how others are able to save for travel while you’re stuck complaining at home, you may want to re-evaluate your lifestyle.
Whether your goal is to explore an exotic island or visit a few near by states, below are some of my favorite tips on how to redirect your investments and move toward your long awaited dream of traveling in your twenties!
1. Develop a goal
Set a realistic financial goal and timeline for yourself. Determine how much money you’ll need and want to spend on your trip, then divide by the amount of time you have until you need that money. For example, if your trip costs $2,000 and you would like to go six months from now, you will need to save $334 per month. Start by taking a small percentage from your paycheck to put into your travel savings. Make sure to write down your goals and stick with it. Keep track of your progress weekly for possible adjustments and whatever you do, REMAIN FOCUSED.
2. Decide What You Can Live Without
Do you really need to buy another pair of shoes or make that Starbucks run before work? Eliminating a few dollars a week can add up. For instance, spending $9 a day on breakfast and coffee for 365 days per year comes to a whopping $3,285! When possible, enjoy the aroma of a fresh brewed pot of coffee inside your home while you research new breakfast recipes to cook on the Food Network.
3. Plan Ahead
Take the time to research and shop around for best flight and hotel accommodations. Whenever possible, remain frugal. Alternative forms of transportation and lodging can help you save a ton. For instance, high-speed rail is an economical way to travel when overseas and Airbnb is a great portal to view cheap apartment rentals. Remember, the Internet your best friend when searching and comparing all of your options to find the best deal.
4. Pick Up A Part Time Gig
Try to take on a part-time job strictly to fund your goal of traveling. Freelance work, tutoring or babysitting are a few options. If you feel like you don’t have enough spare time, try going through your closet, garage or attic for items you are no longer using. Have a garage sale or sell your items on Amazon or eBay to earn extra cash.
5. Skip The Unnecessary Outings
Trust me, you probably do not need another drink at the bar or to eat any more processed food from your favorite restaurant. Tap into your inner Gordon Ramsay and treat yourself and your friends to dinner and a night in at your place. You’ll get the opportunity to brush up on cuisine skills and your friends will thank you for it (hopefully)!
6. Limit Your Subscriptions and Memberships
Unsubscribe to any unnecessary magazine, television or online subscriptions. Yes, that may include Netflix. Skip the gym and exercise outdoors. Try going for a run or bike ride in your nearby park. You’ll appreciate nature’s scenery!
What are some of your favorite travel saving tips? Leave your suggestions in the comments below!