6 Ways To Increase Workplace Productivity During Hot Summer Months

When summer comes around, it’s as if the heat goes up while productivity goes down. The energy in workplaces is all over the place, and employees tend to be distracted by the idea of having fun in the sun instead of being clocked in for the day.
A study by Captivate Network revealed workplace productivity dropped by 20 percent during the summer months. The study also showed that 45 percent were more distracted. If you observe your co-workers, you can see how different employees act when summer comes around. Think about your co-workers that rush out early and think about the co-workers that start to call out frequently. Do you exhibit those behaviors as well?
As an employee, you still have obligations to fulfill. Are you wondering how you can enjoy the summer weather and get your tasks done efficiently? The answer is to plan and tap into your resources.
1. De-clutter Your Work Space

De-cluttering your workspace is a great way to gain clarity. A study by Princeton University found that clutter can hinder focus on a task. You can de-clutter by throwing away old papers, utilizing file folders, limiting desk decorations, and only keeping necessities. De-clutter on the last day of your workweek. 5 to 10 minutes is all you need for a de-clutter session.
2.Regulate Cool Body Temperature

Working in a hot climate can decrease productivity. A study by Tatyana Deryugina of the University of Illinois and Solomon Hsiang of the University of California at Berkeley found that rising temperatures impact workplace productivity. Hot workplaces are unbearable. Buy a desk fan or wear cool clothing to combat the heat. You can also alert your supervisor. You may not be the only hot one in your place of work. Your supervisor could invest in special cooling equipment for the whole workplace.
3. Schedule And Fully Enjoy Vacations

Relaxation is not the only benefit of vacation. Harvard Business Review and U.S Travel Association found “statistically taking more vacations results in greater success at work as well as lower stress and more happiness at work and home.”
A survey by Business Insider found that respondents felt 13 days was the perfect amount of vacation time. Everyone is different. Figure out the number of vacation days that work for you. Plan your vacations accordingly and, be sure to alert your team.
4. Motivational Quotes

Seasonal slumps are rough. Motivational quotes can propel you forward. Psychologist and motivation expert Jonathan Fader, PhD., described the science behind being motivated by words.
Word choice, self-reflection, and psychology play a part. Find a quote that inspires you to pull through. BrainyQuote.com is a great place to find motivational quotes. After you find a quote, be sure to recite the words whenever you need a push. And you know you can always find a good quote, or a good word on Her Agenda’s Instagram.
5. Write-Out Deadlines

Daily Planners are a perfect way to view the outlook of work projects and their respective due dates. Utilizing a daily planner can increase productivity, according to Psychology Today. A breakdown of your projects can provide an insight into your workload for the summer. You can see where your time is going and where more time should go.
6. Prepare And Adapt To Change
Summertime means fewer people in the workplace. Employees will be using their vacation days and shortening their workdays. Be prepared to cover for your team.
You can beat the summer slump as long as you have methods for defeating it. Think of the summer slump as a battle for a few months. You have to power through!