7 Reasons Why You Should Spring Clean Your Small Business

Spring is a time for renewed energy! These seven tips will help you spring clean your small business and head into summer with a clean, organized plate.
Warmer weather, March break, Easter, and Daylight Saving time marks the arrival of spring. I love this time of the year. Spring is a time for renewed energy and clearing out the clutter with a little spring cleaning.
Clearing the clutter in your small business is not only refreshing, but it’s also a productive and strategic task. Spring is a great time of the year to review your social media profiles and your website content.
You can re-assess your goals for the year, determine if your routine is working and take another look at your business plan to ensure you’re still on track for the year.
These seven tips will help you spring clean your small business and head into summer with a clean, organized plate.
Review Your Goals
Spring is a good time to dust off and evaluate your progress. And if you haven’t made any, now is also a good time to ask yourself why. Are your goals too ambitious? Are you being reckless about time management? Are you straight-up procrastinating?
Update each item on your list with three, clear action steps ─ and give yourself a deadline to get them done.
Clean Up Your Portfolio
A sloppy online presence is never a good look, especially for a creative entrepreneur. Dedicate a full day to getting your business website up to date and in order: good photos, clear copy, and accessible contact information are all crucial factors.
Google yourself (we all do it) to ensure your name doesn’t bring up anything that might repel a potential client.
Update Your Social Media Profiles
Go through and take stock of what your online presence is like. Do you have a copy on your profiles that could be rewritten to sound better or more accurately reflect slight shifts in your target market? Is your brand being represented as effectively as possible? Spring is a good time to tighten things up and fix all the little details that make a big impact.
Review Your Business Plan
Often, small business owners “set it and forget it” when it comes to their business plan. In reality, you should spend some time revisiting your plan at least once a year and updating it to keep pace with your company.
Going back to the basic foundation you built your small business on will always be beneficial.
Organize Your Clients
While you may secretly wish that all your clients are great, the truth of the matter is that not all of them are created equal. For your business spring cleaning, you’ll need to organize and separate your leads and clients into groups, so you’re able to better evaluate them.
These groups should reflect the profitability of each client, and the questions you should be concerned with is how much they’re spending, whether they’re paying their bills on time, and how you can improve to retain the more profitable clients.
Review Cash Balances
For many consultants and freelancers, summers tend to be slow at times. But even though revenues might not be coming in, bills must still be paid. That’s why it’s important to review your cash balances now to ensure you’re able to cover your costs until the fall when business picks up again. If you’re a
If you’re a full-time entrepreneur, now might be the time to obtain a working capital loan or line of credit if your cash balance is insufficient.
Clear Out Your Work Area
A clean, clear work area is a key element of productivity. If you’ve got a desk full of paperwork, you’re severely impacting your productivity.
Take everything off your desk, wipe away the grime, clean your computer screen, get rid of all the random business cards and receipts that you’ve hoarded over the past few months, and add some plants or fresh spring flowers. Move away from keeping hard copy files. Use
Move away from keeping hard copy files. Use Google Drive or Dropbox to help organize soft copies of everything you need.
The Take-Away
Giving your small business a good spring cleaning is a great way to ramp up the energy and realize more success. What clutter will you clear out this spring?