7 Signs A Job Is Just Not A Good Fit For You

You’ve landed the job, and it’s everything you’ve ever wanted… or so you thought. After a bit of time in the position, you actually hate it. It’s nothing like you expected. According to Provident Communications Inc., 41 percent of the global workforce planned to leave their jobs in 2021. The large resignation, coined “The Big Quit,” is simply because people hate the work, but there are several other reasons employees leave jobs.
So, where do you go from here? How do you know a job just isn’t a good fit for you? Check out this list of signs that it might be time to make your next career move:
You don’t have the will to go to work.
What gets you out of bed every morning? If it’s just obligation to go to work to get money to pay your bills, then chances are that job isn’t for you. “If a position does not bring you joy, then the position is not for you,” says Troy Pritt, director of human resources for the University of Maryland Baltimore Washington Medical Center. “One needs to feel satisfaction with their job.” Going to work just to pay bills isn’t a good strategy because no matter how well the job pays; money cannot buy happiness.
You don’t feel like an important part of the team.
Maybe your voice isn’t heard, or you’re not included to work on certain projects. I remember once when a decision was made and no one talked to me about it. I felt sad, left out, annoyed and embarrassed because going into a meeting, I didn’t know about certain changes until I misspoke on the wrong info.
I remember thinking, “Oh we changed that? Well, was anyone going to tell me? Am I not apart of this team?”
When co-workers feel like they don’t have to include you, that is a red flag.
You can’t be yourself.
If you are constantly shrinking yourself trying to fit into a room, that’s a red flag. You should be able to be your authentic self-100 percent of the time. “Bringing your whole, best self to your job means that you’re aligned with your principles—what you stand for,” Kate Dixon, of Dixon Consulting, toldForbes.
You constantly complain to family and friends about work.
If your friends and family ask you how’s work going and you instantly go straight to rambling off the negative, never having anything to talk about that excites you about work, then that job isn’t for you. Someone who is excited about what they do, will talk about it with passion and excitement. I always say find the silver lining in a situation; everything has one. Find something that you like about the job and have something positive to say when asked.
You’ve lost your passion.
You no longer care about the effort put into the work. According to Reed Deshler from AlignOrg Solutions, it’s best to “identify whatever dampens your passion and see if you can change the situation. If not, it might be a time for change.”
You’re not happy with the compensation.
I always say, “Do what you love and the money will come,” but the reality is that we need money to survive and to live our best lives. Not being compensated generously for the effort and time we put into work can cause stress and lead to resentment.
You aren’t happy with management.
If you can’t get along with management, consider your time at that job as good as done. Everything comes from the top, and if the directives that are coming down don’t align with your values and beliefs, it can be hard to feel like you belong. If you feel as if management is always singling you out, and it makes you uncomfortable, that is another sign the job is not for you.