8 Techniques For Finding A New Job

At some point, you might have to move on. You might lose your job, become bored, or want to try something new. However, job searching is tedious, competitive, and can take a long time depending on the economy and other factors. It isn’t easy, and you will need to use every available tool from word-of-mouth to professional employment agencies. And there’s always the question of what kind of jobs do you apply for?
Job hunting requires a proactive approach. This is difficult and time consuming, but once done, you can tailor resumés for roles and put yourself on the job market. When times are tough, such as during a global pandemic, employment is a buyer’s market, and you are the product.
Put Yourself Out There
The first thing you should do is put yourself out there. A couple of decades ago, exposing your potential wasn’t easy. Attendance at job fairs, trawling through newspapers, and prospective resumés were all necessary. Fortunately, the web has made job hunting a lot easier. So sign up with a staffing agency as soon as you can. You can upload all your info, and system algorithms will match you to vacancies. These sites also allow you to customize your notifications and whether your resumé is public.
Tailor Your Resumé for Each Position
There might be one ring to rule them all, but unfortunately, there isn’t one resumé. While you can develop a well-written, general resume for your agency profile, individual applications will require some tailoring. For example, when you apply for a network administrator role in an IT company, they don’t necessarily need to know about the gas station role in your 20s. The skills and experience of this position don’t correspond to the applied-for role.
Don’t Be Afraid to Apply for Higher Levels
When moving on in a role, it is natural that your promotion is necessary. Therefore, you shouldn’t be afraid to apply for positions with higher skill or experience requirements than you have previously undertaken. For example, most IT roles state they are looking for a degree-level candidate. However, without a degree, you will be considered if they feel you will demonstrate the necessary skills.
Analyze Transferable Skills
Speaking of skills, it is vital that you analyze what you can take from previous roles to apply them to any positions you wish. For example, Your last job might have required you to perform presentations regularly. This is a transferable skill that comes in handy when coordinating a team or organizing employees. In addition, it shows that you have excellent communication skills, time management, and public speaking skills.
Consider Something New
Being between jobs can make you feel a little vulnerable, which can keep you in your comfort zone. As a result, you can get tunnel vision for job applications that force you to apply for the same kind of roles. Doing a job you don’t like repeatedly isn’t fulfilling, and you will never be happy. Instead, consider taking a whole new direction towards something you know will make you happy for the rest of your life. It’s never too late to pursue your passion.
Reach Out to Companies
Not many people know this, but you can send your resumé to a company directly, even if they aren’t hiring. If a particular business or organization appeals to your sense of value and identity, then send a prospective cover letter and CV. Most may not respond, but they will store your resumé for review when they are hiring. Or you might get lucky and send it at the right time when they are looking for someone.
Use Social Media
Of course, no 21st-century job hunt is complete without posting on social media. These days, a social media user has an average of 338 friends. When you think about how posts propagate through accounts, there is a high chance that someone in HR or a friend will see that you are looking for a job and pass your info on. Additionally, it isn’t a bad idea to join LinkedIn. Headhunting of skilled individuals is standard on this platform.
Ask Family, Friends, and Co-Workers
Ask friends and family. A survey by Research.net found that 85% of people looking for a new role become employed through networking. Of course, this can be via social media, but old-school networking relates to people in your circle of friends, family, and co-workers. For example, a friend in HR might tell you about a senior position available, or your father’s bowling buddy might know someone at your dream company.
[Editor’s note: This article is produced by one of our trusted partners.]