8 Women to Follow During 2015 NYC Fashion Week

Social media is changing the way we experience and share events, and NYC Fashion week is no exception. Starting as of yesterday, the fall 2015 fashion week will highlight the upcoming fashion trends, and showcase new names in the industry. New York Fashion Week is generally held in February and September of each year as a semi-annual series of events where international fashion designers show their latest creation to buyers, the press and the general public. But unlike past fashion week events, these updates aren’t just accessible through Twitter or Instagram. This year, Snapchat will also play a major role.
And so, we put together a short list of influential fashion designers, artists, models and businesswomen you should follow for a backstage glimpse at the latest fashion week updates.
1. DKNY PR Girl @dknyprgirl

For the latest behind the scenes on Donna Karan, her amazing team, and her fashion sense, make sure to follow them on Twitter (@DKNY).
2. Diane von Fürstenberg @DVF

Designer, Diane Von Furstenberg, is most known for her iconic wrap dress. You can follow her on Instagram and Twitter (@DVF) for her latest fashion picks.
3. Brittany Hampton @bhampton

Brittany is DVF’s Global Brand Ambassador. See what she has to say about this year’s trends on Twitter (@BHamptonStyle).
4. Cara Delevingne @caradelevingne

British Model, Cara Delevingne, will give you both on and off the runway snaps, as well as fun selfies. Be sure to follow her on twitter (@Caradelevingne).
5. Gucci Westman @gucciwestman

Gucci Westman is a make-up artist and cosmetic designer. She has styled the cosmetic look for several models and actresses on Vogue, W Magazine and Allure. In 2003, Lancôme named her the brand’s International Artistic Director. So if you want to know more about the latest trends in make-up, check out their Twitter (@gucciwestman).
6. Janelle and Jessica Lloyd @girlsoff5th

These two stylish New York sisters will keep you up to date with anything fashion, travel and style related. Follow them on twitter (@GirlsOff5th).
7. Julee Wilson @missjulee

Julee Wilson is the Fashion & Beauty editor at The Huffingtonpost and will provide you with front row updates all throughout the weekend.
8. Leandra Medine @manrepeller

Leandra Medine is an American author and fashion blogger best known for The Man Repeller, a humorous website for serious fashion. Be sure to check her out on all her social media (@ManRepeller), including snapchat (@Man_Repeller) for some fun and entertaining fashion updates.
If you’re interested in even more #NYFW updates, check out these fashionable snapchatters this week:
Carly Cardellino, beauty editor at Cosmopolitan.com: @carlycardellino
Joyann King, harpersbazaar.com editor, @JoyannKing
Annie Georgia Greenberg, senior style editor at Refinery29: @agg3653
Ella Ceron, social media editor at The Cut: @ellaceron
Sophia Chabbott, Glamour senior online fashion editor: @slc1238
Photocredit: Simply Measured