9 Lessons From Mom That Can Help You in Your Career

Through the years, your mom has been by your side helping you in life. She’s helped you learn how to walk, how to play with others, what to do when friends are mean, how to study, and how to deal with boys.
Now, you’re on your own living your life. But you’re not without the voice of your mother guiding you. While she may not be holding your hand, specifically telling you what to do through the trials and tribulations of your career, she is still influencing you through all of the wisdom she’s instilled.
This Mother’s Day, be sure to thank your mom for all that she has done – and continues to do – for you. And, while you’re at it, give her an extra tight hug for teaching you the following lessons that can not only help you in life but also serve as strong career advice:
1. Try Your Best
Moms are famous for telling their children to try their best. When you came home with a poor test score, she may have asked you, “Did you try your best?”
With your career, you may not succeed at times. The most important thing that you can ask yourself is “Did I try my best?” If you did, then that’s all you could do.
2. Stand Up for Yourself
When working in an organization, there is always a compilation of personalities. Some are more dominating than others are, and that can stifle your career growth.
If your mom’s anything like mine, she definitely taught you that you deserve the best and not to let anyone take advantage of you. While the playground bullies may not be a concern anymore, there are times in your career when co-workers will try to walk over you. Don’t let it happen. When someone tries to take credit for your work, or treats you with disrespect, let them know that you won’t stand for it.
You deserve to be treated with respect. Don’t ever let anyone push you down.
3. Treat Others as You Want to be Treated
I’m sure we’ve all heard this golden rule a million times as kids, but nothing has changed. You still should treat others how you would want to be treated.
Just ask yourself if you would want to be spoken to the way you’re speaking to others. If you are a manager, ask yourself if you would be able to do what you’re telling other people to do.
Sometimes, it takes extra effort to know how you should treat others. Take the time to think about it though. It can help you be a better leader and team player.
4. Never Give Up
Your mom was always there for you when times got tough, and I’m sure she told you that you only fail when you give up. As long as you keep trying and going, you will succeed. Think of all the successful people in the world who have been through failure after failure before they reached where they are today.
5. Value Individuality
Not everyone is going to think like you or do things exactly the way you do them. However, that doesn’t mean that they are wrong. Value individuality because those differences between people are what makes great things happen in an organization. Two minds are better than one, right? (Now they just call it synergy, but your mom was on to something.)
6. Embrace Change and Growth
Things change all the time. Back then, it was a new school. Now, it’s technology and workplaces that are ever-evolving. That’s how people and businesses grow. Don’t become stuck in your ways. Learn about the changes, embrace them, and work with them to help you move ahead. Don’t let yourself become stagnant. Take classes, read books, get certified – or recertified – for something that will help you grow and learn in your career. Fighting changes will only slow you down.
7. Choose Your Battles
When you’re working in a group, it can be easy to get caught up in discussions in which you don’t agree with someone. Sometimes, it’s not worth arguing. Find a commonality and if you can’t, just let it go. A good way to assess whether it’s worth an argument is to ask yourself, “Is this the mountain I’m willing to die on?”
8. Love Yourself
The ultimate lesson from the woman who loves you more than anyone in the world, and has always wanted the best for you. She never allowed you to feel down about yourself or to not respect yourself, and she never let you go without the care you needed.
When life gets stressful, it can be easy to stop taking care of yourself. Don’t do it. Your mom wants you to care for yourself as she has cared for you. Eat healthy, get enough sleep, and take a break. And always, always love yourself for who you are.
And, if you’re ever in need of a little reassurance, call mom.
9. You Can Do Anything You Set Your Mind To
You really can do it. You may tell yourself so many times that you can’t do something, but it’s not true. This goes along with never giving up. As long as you keep trying, you can do anything you really want to do. You got this! Just make it happen in some way.
It’s time to live your life the way your mother has taught you to live it. Just remember all of her support, guidance, and lessons and you’ll make it. Your mom knows you will and she’s proud of all you’ve done. Let her know that this Mother’s Day.