Classic ’90s TV Shows To Add To Your Summer Streaming Lists

The ’90s, I would argue, is the most beloved time period. Before the rise of the internet and social media, the ’90s was special for many reasons, especially television. So special, in fact, that from fashion to hip-hop, the ’90s continue to be a time we’re nostalgic for and looking to recreate. Here are a few classic shows from the ’90s that that have made a resurgence on streaming platforms and are a must-watch:
Where to stream: Paramount+
I have the entire collection on a DVD box set. Premiering in 1997, “Daria” was a spinoff of “Beavis & Butt-Head” meant to cater to a young female audience, and I was in that audience. Daria is brainy, witty, sarcastic, and dry. That’s my favorite thing about it.
Just because Daria wasn’t into makeup or fashion didn’t mean she didn’t have crushes, deal with tough family relationships, or struggle with growing up. Daria was a free thinker and didn’t fall into the status quo that most teenage girls struggle with. I would argue that girls need to see a character like Daria on television, showing a different version of what it means to be confident and independent. Even today, fans mention how “Daria” gave nods to historical moments in society and how it helps calm their depression.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Where to stream: Disney+, Prime Video
Before the sparkling vampires in “Twilight” and the vampire phenomenon of the 2010s with “True Blood” and “The Vampire Diaries,” Sarah Michelle Gellar was a regular teenage girl with a destiny to slay evil vampires. “Buffy” was cool because it was a rare time on television when you saw a regular girl being a badass.
Sarah Michelle Gellar is arguably one of the best TV protagonists ever. If you go back and watch “Buffy,” you’ll realize that every episode had a metaphor or a deeper meaning. If you love the supernatural, “Buffy” is a wonderful coming-of-age story mixed with a high-functioning world of fantasy.
Boy Meets World
Where to stream: Disney+
I have the fondest memories of watching “Boy Meets World” when I was growing up. It was hilarious. I mean, who could forget the Feeny call? On the surface, “Boy Meets World” seemed like a corny, family-friendly TV show, and for a while, it was. However, the show grew with its audience and began to touch on heavier topics such as first love, abuse, graduating high school, and transitioning into college.In teen and tween television at the time, there wasn’t much representation, so seeing Shawn Hunter with a Black girlfriend on ABC Family provided much-needed representation for many viewers.
Another special thing about the ’90s was the fact that television shows did holiday-themed episodes or included special celebrity guests. “And Then There Was Shawn” is one of the best Halloween/horror episodes for a television show ever.
Sister, Sister
Where to stream: Disney+
“My twin’s big like Tia” is the iconic line from Doja Cat’s hit single “Tia Tamera,” and that’s not the only song that features lyrics about this dynamic duo. “Sister, Sister”, starring the Mowry twins, Tia and Tamera, first premiered on April 1st, 1994. The show follows twins separated at birth, each adopted by a single parent, who all move in together so the girls can grow up together.
Typical of shows in this era, “Sister, Sister” played on stereotypical but hilarious tropes. Tia was the smart and shy twin, while Tamera liked to goof off and was a little boy-crazy. This show, like “Boy Meets World,” got even better in the college years and touched on subjects such as smoking, cheating in school, and first love. The celebrity cameos in this show are also so fun, with stars like Lisa Leslie, Mya, and Blackstreet making appearances. “Sister, Sister” is the ultimate love letter to the ’90s, showcasing what life would’ve been like as a college student in that time.
Sex And The City
Where to stream: Netflix, Max
Are you a Carrie, Miranda, Samantha, or a Charlotte? While every episode of “Sex and the City” doesn’t age well, it’s required watching for every young woman in her 20s and 30s. First premiering in 1998, the show gained a massive audience for portraying real women on TV and went on to win several awards.
Now, 25 years later, it’s officially reached the TikTok generation with countless mood boards of Charlotte-inspired modern-day outfits, essays on why Big and Carrie were not the fairytale we were led to believe, and how arguably Samantha was the true star of the show. Jokes have been made about whether Carrie could afford Manolos and Dior saddle bags while writing one column per week.
And who could forget the fashion? Even today, looks from all of the ladies, especially Carrie, are being remixed. “Sex and the City” is one of my favorite shows and my comfort show. It’s funny and endearing, and even when I’m feeling down, it lifts my spirits. Without “Sex and the City,” we wouldn’t be able to answer the age-old question: Is being single and in your 30s absolutely miserable or fabulous?