Avoid Making These Comments In A Job Interview
It’s important to prepare in advance and know what to say during your interview. Equally important, is knowing what you should never say in a job interview.
Going for a job interview can be nerve-wracking, especially when you know every single word that comes out of our mouth will be judged, analyzed and evaluated.
While you’re trying to impress your potential employer, it’s easy to slip and say the wrong thing, especially when you’re nervous.
Yes—we can all agree, it’s important to prepare in advance and know what to say during your interview. But equally important, is knowing what you should never say in a job interview.
Know what’s off limits and save yourself from the potential embarrassment and then kicking yourself later for having said the wrong thing.
Below is a round-up of things you should never say in a job interview.

“I Don’t Know.”
If you truly don’t know about something, be honest about it but try to find a better way to respond to the question. Be honest about your skills sets, but also package your words nicely so that the interviewer won’t recognize you as the person who “knows nothing”.
It’s okay to say “I don’t know”, but always follow it up with how you would find a way to solve the problem. It demonstrates strong initiative and problem-solving skills.
“Ugh. My Previous Job…”
If you ramble on about how wronged you think you were treated by your previous employer during a job interview, chances are you probably won’t get the job.
Don’t air your dirty laundry in front of your potential employer and complain about how much you did not get along with your co-workers. It will only show them your inability to cope with a challenging situation, and you’ll be perceived as a blabbermouth.
Be mindful of what you’re saying in your job interviews. When talking about your previous experiences, be positive, diplomatic and evaluate the situation critically.
“I Didn’t Get A Chance To Check.”
If you’re about to go on a date with someone, chances are you’ll look them up online to see what they’re about, right?
A job interview is exactly the same. The more information you know about the company, the better chances you’ll have of nailing the interview and getting the job offer.
Review the company website, look up their Instagram account and search their LinkedIn profile. Yes, this is the one time you’re actually allowed to go full on FBI stalk mode.
During the interview, show enthusiasm and passion that you really want to join the company.
“No, I Don’t Have Any Questions For You.”
When the hiring manager asks if you have any questions for him/her and your answer is, “no,” that represents a red flag. It’s always a test. You might not really be wanting to ask a question, but ask anyway. Ask a smart question.
If you’ve done your research about the company as suggested in the previous point, there should definitely be thing or two you can ask the interviewer to display your seriousness about the role you’re applying for.
“Excuse Me For A Moment.”

No, it’s never okay to take a call or respond to a text or email during a job interview. Not only it is disrespectful to the hiring manager, but it also show’s that you’re unprofessional and prioritize your personal matter over the job.
Be respectful for the interviewer as he/she has to dedicate time to set up the interview with you. The safest thing to do is to switch your cell phone ring and vibrate off.
“Can You Tell Me The Title Of The Role Again?”
Yes, of course you’ll be applying to multiple jobs during your job search, but this is one of those things that you should never say in a job interview.
When you’ve been applying to too many jobs that you don’t even remember what role you are interviewing for, it’s a huge red flag to the hiring manager.
Read the job description carefully before you come to the interview. It’s important that you come prepared and show the hiring manager that you are well-informed with the role you’re applying, instead of just taking the interview as another practice.
“I See This Job As A Stepping Stone To My Next Career Move.”
While this might be the reason why you’re applying for this job, never say it in a job interview. In general, companies are looking for a candidate who can exhibit a long-term commitment to the company, instead of a job hopper.
If this is not the exact role you’ve always wanted, ask questions about your opportunities for advancement in the company or transfer to other departments.