‘Too Many Christmases’ Delivers A Heartwarming Message About Honesty And Family Acceptance

Two separate Black families. Two sets of traditions. And a newly married couple trying to blend them all together. BET Plus’Too Many Christmases brings viewers into the lives of newlyweds Kayla (Porscha Coleman) and Jerome (Denzel Whitaker) as they try to manage being in two places at once for Christmas.
As Kayla and Jerome navigate not disappointing their parents by being away for the holiday, Too Many Christmases illustrates how honesty, accepting change, and confrontation can bring a family closer together despite their different perspectives.
Kayla And Jerome’s Holiday Dilemma
Kayla and Jerome live separate lives. He has his own house, she has her own apartment, and they usually do not spend the holidays together. They each spend it with their immediate families.
This year, Kayla and Jerome planned to spend their first Christmas as a married couple with Jerome’s family. Kayla’s brother Lee Lee (Deshawn Bowens), however, surprises Kayla at her place and lets her know his return home means their family holiday plans are back on. Neither Kayla nor Jerome want to face the assumed wrath of their families by breaking the news they will not be attending Christmas dinner. To avoid this, the two devise a plan to attend both their families holiday celebrations on the same day at the same time.
“There’s no holiday if one of us are away,” Lee Lee says to Kayla in her apartment, mimicking what their grandfather, Pastor Davis (Willie C Carpenter), used to say to their family.

Appeasing Family Members Wishes During The Holidays
Too Many Christmases illustrates the hoops folks may jump through to appease their family’s feelings during the holidays. Before Christmas day, Kayla and Lee Lee’s mother, Regina (Valarie Pettiford), asks Lee Lee to tone down how he expresses himself in front of his grandfather, who disagrees with Lee Lee’s lifestyle as an out, queer, man.
After seeing Lee Lee dressed in a cheetah print blazer, a dangly earring, and blue eyeliner, Pastor Davis blocks Lee Lee from entering his Christmas Eve church service. He also lets Regina know he will not attend Christmas dinner if Lee Lee attends. Desperate to have her whole family together, Regina assures Pastor Davis that Lee Lee will look presentable, to the Pastor’s standards. Although she accepts Lee Lee for who he is, Regina asks her son to silence his truth to appease her father’s comfort.
“I just want peace, baby. Even if that means giving your grandpa what he wants. It’s just one day,” Regina says to Lee Lee.
Her Agenda had the chance to speak with the cast and writer of Too Many Christmases, Clarence Williams IV, during their virtual press tour, hosted by The Jamison Agency. Ratoya Banks, who plays Jerome’s sister Gwen, highlighted how timing also plays a factor.
“We can approach conversations and it’s just not the right time and if timing [isn’t] right, I think sometimes people won’t receive what you’re saying with [an] open mind and an open heart,” she said.
Honest Moments Can Lead To Change And Acceptance
Lee Lee’s grandfather’s contempt for Lee Lee’s identity rolled into Christmas dinner, leading Lee Lee to storm off from their family dinner table. Regina asks Pastor Davis to leave, but Pastor Davis decides to stay back and have a conversation with Lee Lee. Despite not being ready to listen to Lee Lee prior to this moment, Pastor Davis made space for Lee Lee to admit how he was hiding his real self from his family as a child. He felt that he had to act a certain way to be accepted.

“If you’re waiting for the real Damond to show up, he’s right here,” Lee Lee says to his grandfather. “He just discovered who he should have been all along.”
This moment strikes layers of chords, as viewers see a young Black queer man stand up to his traditional Black grandfather who happens to be a pastor. Pastor Davis’ and Lee Lee’s love for each other aided their resolve, despite their difference in worldview and lifestyle. This can serve as inspiration to those scared to live in their full truth amongst family members.
With their two cars, a roadmap through their scheme, and a will to appease their loved ones, Kayla and Jerome live out their plan to attend two Christmas celebrations in one day. They try to pull this off without suspecting their family, twists in their plans make it almost impossible to meet their family’s demands. Too Many Christmases shows viewers that honestly discussing change among loved ones can lead to change in behavior and acceptance along the way.
Too Many Christmases premiered Thursday, December 12, on BET Plus.