Books To Help You Embrace Your Inner Entrepreneur

I’m a firm believer that doing something you love is the only way to go in life. But sometimes figuring out exactly what it is you love–or how to do it–is an overwhelming task. If you’re looking to break free from the cubicle and find some professional inspiration, check out this selection of inspiring books:
The Anti 9-5 Guide: Practical Career Advice for Women Who Think Outside the Cube and My So-Called Freelance Lifeby Michelle Goodman
Michelle Goodman successfully escaped from the 9-5 grind in 1992 and built a successful freelance career–but not without some mistakes. Both books are like reading a letter from your best friend and share the nitty gritty details on how to make it. The Anti 9-5 Guide includes advice on figuring out what you want to do and transitioning into it full-time while holding onto your day job. “My So-Called Freelance Life” is geared more to those looking to branch into freelance writing or similar creative freelance fields.
Creative, Inc.: The Ultimate Guide to Running a Successful Freelance Business by Joy Deangdeelert Cho and Meg Mateo Ilasco
Craft, Inc.: Turn Your Creative Hobby into a Business by Meg Mateo Ilasco
Blog, Inc.: Blogging for Passion, Profit and to Create Community by Joy Deangdeelert Cho
Joy Deangdeelert Cho and Meg Mateo Ilasco provide fun and beautiful guides with this Inc.-trio of books detailing how to make the transition into creative professions. Creative, Inc. is perfect for those seeking to branch into freelancing fields like web design, graphic design and illustration. Craft, Inc. is the guide for those wanting to turn their crafty hobby–crocheting infinity scarves, making handmade paper, etc.–into a full-time business, while Blog, Inc. gives information on how to tackle the blogosphere (Joy’s blog, Oh Joy! (, makes her the perfect teacher). All give details not only on how to start but provide interviews with those that have been there and know the ups and downs of starting out.
She Takes on the World by Natalie MacNeil
Natalie MacNeil’s guide is a quick read but incredibly motivational. The companion to her popular site of the same name, the book is part inspiration, part Q&A with successful women, and part workbook to start on your own path. If you’ve ever felt silly for wanting to start a business or thought you were too young, Natalie’s enthusiasm will banish all those negative thoughts.
Read the rest on SweetlLemonMag’s site, by clicking here. There’s two more books that will help inspire and prep you for the world as an entrepreneur!