Boost Your Career Potential In Brilliant Ways
Although we still have a long way to go, we have come a long way to correcting the inequality and injustice in the workplace. Particularly, the challenge of making sure that women have the same opportunities and rights as an employee as men.
But, unfortunately inequality still exists and there are plenty of business owners who might still choose to hire a man over a woman. The good news is that there are some steps that you can take to make sure that you boost your career potential, sidestepping the discrimination and issues of inequality. Let’s look at a few of the possibilities.
What’s In A Name?
More than you think if you’re applying for a position. If you are applying for a job that is typically dominated by men, you might want to think about not advertising your gender on the application. While this may seem odd, it can be a smart decision. By doing this, you can know, without a doubt, that if you are denied an interview, it won’t be due to the fact that you are a woman. To do this, you just need to think about using initials rather than your full name on the application.
Remember, the author of Harry Potter used this tactic, and without it, there’s every possible chance that one of the most popular pieces of literature of our time would never have been published.
Why Get One More Degree?
You should always consider getting another degree even if you already have your bachelor’s or masters. One degree arguably just isn’t enough anymore. You need to show that you have a higher drive and ambition than that. The good news is that a degree doesn’t need to be a massive commitment anymore and you can instead complete it in your spare time. As well as this, you’ll find online degrees in virtually every subject you can think of. If you are eager to gain a qualification in psychology, you can take an online Christian psychology Bachelor’s degree. By doing this, you’ll gain the knowledge to enter a brand new field without bringing your current career to a grinding halt.
Where Will They Find You?
Finally, you need to make sure that new potential employers can find you online and we are of course talking about social media. It’s key that you have a professional social network that shows off your skills and also who you are as an individual. Do this, and you will find you get a lot more calls back about being interviewed for a position that you’re interested in.
Using this advice, you can bolster your career, taking the right steps to separate you from the competition and gain the upper hand in a world that is still full of sexism and prejudice.
[Editor’s note: This is a post produced by one of our trusted partners.]