#CAREKnowsHow To Empower Women Around The Globe

“When you empower a man, you empower an individual; when you empower a woman, you empower a nation.” This quote is well known, and recently resurfaced when Tebelelo Seretse, the Ambassador of Botswana to the United States, used it in a speech. It’s absolutely true and studies prove that women invest 90 percent of their income back into their families and communities.
Empowering women helps communities, economies and nations thrive. CARE, a leader in women’s empowerment helps women and girls get out of poverty around the world. If you’re not familiar with them then here’s a little fun fact. You may or may not know this, but CARE actually started the whole concept of a CARE package! During World War II, CARE created a program that let Americans send life saving food and supplies to Europe. The concept remains popular today. The terms is used to refer to the packages people send to their loved ones and friends who are living in far off places. Now, nearly 70 years later, CARE is still continuing to make a difference in the lives of those who need assistance. Not only that, CARE knows how to turn that assistance into empowerment. Moreover, they’ve dedicated themselves to empowering women and girls around the globe.
I truly believe that inspiration is contagious. If you are around people who are achieving and constantly working to become better you feel that energy and it can inspire you and in turn your energy can inspire another. But before you can become an inspiration, you have to become empowered. CARE knows how to do that and the perfect way to explain how they do it is through the story of Kallani Rani from Bangladesh.
The lack of income coming into Kallani’s household put a strain not just on her finances, but her family dynamics. Her husband, frustrated because he could not provide, was angry and violent at times. Although her family owned a cow, the cow was barely able to produce milk for her family let alone provide milk for them to sell. However, everything changed once Kallani learned about CARE’s Strengthening the Dairy Value Chain program.
This program not only taught Kallani how to feed her cow to stimulate milk production, it also educated her about where to find the best food sources and negotiate the prices. Soon, the cow began producing more than enough milk for the family, allowing the family to sell the excess. But it didn’t stop there. Kallani now teaches other cow owners in her community to do what she did. Her family and home life has also greatly improved as a result. Her husband treats her as an equal and things are peaceful.
Lasting change comes from empowering people with what they need to help themselves. The power to help, and giving people the power to help themselves, is life changing. CARE knows how to do that. To learn more and help CARE with its mission of empowering women and girls visit the #CAREKnowsHow homepage (click here).