Channing Beumer On What She’s Learned About Growing A Business While Having A Full Time Job

On November 3rd, Head of Sneaker Chic and creator of Channing Beumer joined us for the second #PowerHour Slack Chat. As our special guest, Channing shared lessons she learned balancing her career while building her business.
Below are just a few of the many gems that she shared during our conversation. For more exclusive Her Agenda content, be sure to subscribe to #theAgenda today!

On how networking played a huge part in the growth and success of CNKDaily:
“The key is making sure you’re networking for the right reasons. Be sure to keep in mind these three things:
1. Understand the history behind the brands and where you fit. You never want to completely change who you are to meet the set-in-stone mission of an established company.
2. Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself and follow-up.
3. With both new and established relationships, I always ask [my]self and [my] brand partner, how I can help THEM. When you field interactions from others constantly looking to be put on, it’s refreshing to come across people who have found a way they can be of service.
A lesson she has learned from having full time job + growing a business simultaneously:
Having a full-time job while growing your business will force you to learn the art of time management in a way that really prepares you to work for yourself full-time. I’ve finally learned how to put myself on a schedule and stick to it.
A quote that keeps her motivated when the going gets tough:
“Freedom is waking up in the morning and deciding for yourself what to do with the day. Imagine that.”
To learn more about Channing and CNKDaily, follow them on Twitter and Instagram. Subcribe to #theAgenda to get access to the full conversation. Also you can join the next chat live. Don’t miss it.