Dawn Fitch On Simple Ways To Optimize Your Health And Wellness From Home

Dawn Fitch, Health Advocate and Founder and CEO of Pooka Pure & Simple, joined the Her Agenda INSIDERS to share the story of building her company as well as 5 simple ways to optimize your health and wellness from home. As a graphic artist by trade, Dawn’s pursuit of wellness began after a waist-down paralysis shook up her world. For the next 5 years, while doctors told her she was fine, she decided to take her health into her own hands.
At the start, changing her food and diet was first on the list. Next was beginning to experiment with bath and body products, named Pooka with her mother’s term of endearment for her in mind.
After taking the products to a festival, Dawn knew she was headed on a journey much bigger than she envisioned. 20 years later, after growing the business while freelancing, Dawn managed to make her way into her first boutique after being mentored by a restaurant owner while working a waitressing job to make ends meet.
Today Pooka Pure & Simple has transformed into an award-winning natural bath & body brand that is sold both online and in over 300 Whole Foods stores nationwide. The highly acclaimed brand has been featured on/in The Today Show, QVC/HSN, ESSENCE, The New York Times, Black Enterprise, & more.
Check out a few excerpts from the conversation with Dawn.
Dawn on beginning your business:
You are not too small to run your business the right way. You know, I think at the beginning we want to cut little corners. It’s just me and I’m going to just do it this way. Even if you don’t have the money for an accountant or a lawyer, keep your records and books, do everything the right way so that when you scale it, you can scale and it’ll be your business will be running the right way.
On being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis led to building an online community:
The good thing for me, actually, on that day, it was a good day because you can’t fight what you don’t know. And I had been sick so long. And once I received the diagnosis, I was like, now I know exactly what it is I need to do for that. And that just became my passion – telling people how they could open up their cabinets.

On how to sleep better:
I tell people you have to sleep. Make us sleep sanctuary, you know. So I make my night stand. That is my sleep sanctuary. So I put all the things that I put on there in case I wake up. I have my journal and a pen, I have some lavender, I have some water with lemon. Everything I need is right there so if I do wake up, I don’t have to get out of bed.
If you would like to access the conversation in its entirety, and more exclusive Her Agenda content, become a Her Agenda INSIDER today!
Dawn on tips to drinking more water:
A lot of times people just don’t like water, so here’s what I do. I get a nice container, so buy a nice glass jar or go to the dollar store and get a nice pitcher or a jelly jar or something really nice. I use glass because I care about the environment. And then I infuse water, I take lemons and limes and I even try foods that I haven’t tried before. Dragonfruit, I sliced it up. My water is beautiful and that’s really what makes me drink it. And then I just sit it there and I sip on it all day. But I know that it’s thirty-two ounces, so at least by dinnertime, I better have that finished. But it’s a lot easier to do if I have beautiful fruits and blueberries and strawberries floating.
To access all five ways to optimize your health and wellness from home and more exclusive Her Agenda content, become a HER AGENDA INSIDER. You can find Pooka Pure & Simple here. You can also learn more about Dawn on her personal website, dawnfitch.com, and connect with her on LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter.