Every Article You’ll Ever Need To Read To Understand The Government Shutdown

Start with resident Wonkblog writer Brad Plumer’s extensive look into how we got into this mess and every aspect of the government that is being affected right now. Click HERE to read.
Rebecca Kaplan discusses the infamous Washington Blame Game going on right now between the Senate, House of Representatives and the White House. Click HERE to read.
The Chicago Tribune goes into greater detail about the problems preventing the continuing resolution from passing, causing this government shutdown. Click HERE to read.
Will your mail still get delivered to you? David Lauter answers this question and more about what will change now. Click HERE to read.
Rebecca Kaplan breaks it down for the average taxpayer and shows us how our tax money is being affected by the shutdown. Click HERE to read.
Matthew DeLuca takes a look at the hardworking citizens of America that are going to be hit hard by this government shutdown. Click HERE to read.
Charlotte Alter answers 9 questions about the shutdown that you were probably wondering but too shy to ask. Click HERE to read.
Bye bye panda cam: ABC News tells us about the National Zoo turning off it’s cute baby panda cam and other surprising consequences of the shutdown. Click HERE to read.
Barnini Chakraborty helps to answer our most serious question about the shutdown: “What now?” Click HERE to read.