4 Ways Investing In Real Estate Can Help You Achieve A ‘Sovereign Life’

A “Sovereign Life” (a concept which I’ve registered as a trademark) is a lifestyle that is full of freedom, confidence and permission! Permission to say yes to every dream and every intangible goal you believe in to make tangible. For me, this freedom is built upon a foundation of real estate. Owning a real estate portfolio is the catalyst to achieving a state of sovereignty.
An important element of my service style is to empower my clients and my tribe through proven real estate tactics. I sought ways to be a unicorn in the industry and honed my abilities in how numbers work. I’m heavy on the numbers; it’s my strength.
Through the principle of sovereignty, I have built a family legacy of real estate, wealth, and career fulfillment with a balanced and happy family life.
I was intrigued by that word because it is a feeling, a state of being and people are chasing and working towards a state of being, not actual “material things.” A state of sovereignty is knowing that true happiness is a journey, feeling all the feelings and still reigning in your life because your foundation of financial stability and wealth is in order. Having that foundation permits you to do what you genuinely love.

Discovering The Magic Of ‘Sovereignty’
When I first traveled to Europe, my husband and I visited museums and castles. We were in awe at the grandeur of what we were experiencing and the feeling it created.
As a society, Americans have the freedom to own real estate and businesses. Having long been coveted as the land of opportunity, we focused on how we could create that feeling of grandeur for ourselves when we returned.
We launched our Sovereign brand of companies and never looked back. This overall theme of creating your own state of sovereignty began to manifest when we focused on the following:
Owning a real estate portfolio: When I began building my real estate portfolio, I challenged myself to immerse myself in the Power of Belief. Believing in myself, my decision-making abilities and my profound knowledge and analysis of every acquisition. It can be daunting to acquire multiple properties when most are pursuing their first one; however, I leaned on my expertise, Tribe and faith. Once I completed my first one, the next was easier so on and so forth.
Taking risks: The confidence a real estate portfolio gives back to you in financial stability and growth allows you to take more risks and tap into work that is truly meaningful to you and fulfills your spirit. Taking risks is the adventure of life.
Attracting a tribe: From that, I mean once I embraced taking risks in love and work, it opened me up to meeting amazing people who became my tribe. It can include whatever a support system means for you—your girlfriends, spouse, industry group, or family. Having a tribe that feeds your spirit and gives you nourishment is essential to keep you going.
Having passion: Listen, do what you love. Period. Gone are the days when we choose careers simply because they provide an income. I challenge you to dare to create income through your gifts. Real estate investing allowed me to pursue all my passions and it’s what I do to help others cushion their dreams.
Getting to the highest level of any industry in your pursuit of success will be challenging. And if you don’t love it and are not passionate about it, it will be tough to persevere. You will get things thrown at you, and you must keep the passion for pushing through.
Tapping Into The ‘Sovereign Life’
Sovereignty is empowering and owning a real estate portfolio is a pathway to helping you reclaim this freedom.
Historically, Real estate appreciates over time. It fuels your endeavors by nourishing you with a win-win investing relationship: you gain equity through appreciation and tenants that pay down your mortgage while you’re providing them a quality, affordable home on their path to home ownership. You are a part of the housing solution by becoming a housing provider.
I am not only an investor; I’m also the first African American president of a woman-owned brokerage. Also, I might add, I’m the first millennial leader for the Atlanta Realtors Association since the organization’s inception in 1910, with over 13,000 members. It gives me a sense of pride to encourage others along their path to reclaiming a sense of Sovereignty by sharing my successful tips for reclaiming ownership of my life.