Friendsgiving: 5 Reasons Why The Occasion Is So Important

Shortly after everyone stores away from their Halloween outfits and adjusts their clocks for Daylight Savings Time, it seems as though the price of turkeys and holiday fixins begin to go up. Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate all the blessings in your life, spend precious time with loved ones, and of course, eat. Although Thanksgiving is typically spent with your immediate family, another holiday celebration randomly emerged and it has become another seasonal tradition many look forward to annually: Friendsgiving. Friendsgiving is a gathering and celebration of friends with a feast, falling near or on Thanksgiving day. Here are 5 reasons why Friendsgiving is so important:
1. It’s a great way to get into the Thanksgiving spirit
According to delish, there’s no specific date for Friendsgiving like there is for the official Thanksgiving holiday, so whether you and your besties choose to celebrate one or two weeks before Thanksgiving, it’s still a great way to get excited for the holidays.

2. Friendsgiving is a great time to connect with friends
I think everyone can admit the older we get, the harder the friendship market seems to be. Millennials in particular are lonelier than they’ve ever been and have had less time than ever to cultivate the kinds of deep, meaningful friendships we see depicted on television. Friends come and go and it’s even harder to stay in contact with lifelong friends. New careers, a global pandemic, it’s easy to admit there were a lot of reasons people have simply lost touch with one another, so when you have a solid friendship definitely try to hold on to it as best you can. Friendsgiving, similar to Thanksgiving, is a time to reconnect and reminisce on the true meaning of friendship with your besties.
3. Everyone is a contributor to the event
Unfortunately, Friendsgiving does not entail sitting by the television and waiting for mama and grandma to yell “Food is ready!” Everyone is responsible for bringing their own dish. Before you stress out, Friendsgiving is unique because you and your friends get to set the tone for the feast. Will it be everyone’s favorite hors d’oeuvres with an extensive wine list? Or will you and your amigos keep it simple with store-bought faves? Although the food is a crucial part of Friendsgiving, it’s really the special time you spend with your favorite people that makes the event worthwhile.
4. What’s better than one Thanksgiving? 2!
The beauty of celebrating Friendsgiving is after you’ve had that much-needed time with your best pals, Thanksgiving is right around the corner! The luxury of having two feasts is not only for the tasty food, but the laughs, the memories, and two celebrations that will have you excited for the holidays! describes the holiday as “the freedom to be ourselves. It’s about sharing a meal that means something, with the chosen few people in our lives who are important to us outside the ties of family.”
5. It’s a fun way to make your own traditions
Traditions are important to strengthen bonds and provide consistency within our lives. Similar to opening presents with family on Christmas or Sunday family dinners, Friendsgiving is a unique tradition to look forward to with your friends each year. Regardless of how busy our lives can become, we somehow find the time each year to sit down at the dinner table and enjoy a meal with our family. Why not add Friendsgiving to your list of traditions?