Getting Your Career Mojo Back
There’s nothing worse than waking up one morning and just feeling sick of your job. We all go through stages in our lives where we are sick of where we work and what we do, and sometimes it seems like the only solution is to grin and bear the job we have grown to hate. However, remember that your career is important, you will spend a huge chunk of your life in work and this means you should be doing something you love.
If you need to get your motivation back because of burnout in social work, being sick of customer service or tired of the office- then you need to make a change. Step back and see if you can change your career for the better.
If you suddenly feel as if you job is the most boring thing in the world, you need to step back and give yourself some time to think things over. For example you can have a quiet night in one day to give yourself the chance to think about things and let your mind wander to other opportunities. The key to being happy on your career if doing something which excites you and tests you every day. Of you don’t feel like your current job is going this, then it could be time to start thinking of a new path.
Find inspiration
If you are feeling stuck in a rut it is likely because you always read the same things, watch the same things and experience the same routine every day. When we get like this our minds shut down because they are bored. To really help your mind kick start and work at full capacity you need to step out of your bubble and do something new. If you never hike, take the next sunny day and go for a walk in the countryside. It will heighten your senses, wake up your mind and provide you with inspiration to think of something new for yourself.
Take the step
The hardest thing when we are thinking about change is taking that first step towards it. When we come to a situation where we need to move, we act like babies who have never walked before. We linger, over think and try to analyze before we leap: but sometimes this isn’t the best thing we can do. If you want to make a big change in your life, you need to be willing to take that first step towards it and trust yourself. Once you do this you will be force to take action and this can be just the kick up the butt that you need.
Be creative
Sometimes it is doing something creative which can truly show us what we want to be in life. A lot of people find that their mode can change when listening to music, or painting can allow them to think about things more clearly. If you can give yourself the chance to do something like this, it may open up your mind and allow you to think about exactly what you want from life.
[Editor’s note: This is a guest post produced by one of our partners.]