Google’s Digital Coaches Want You To Utilize Tech For Growth

On December 18th, the Her Agenda Insider’s had a unique chance to host SIX of the women from Google’s Digital Coach team. Google started this program to “provide equal opportunity for all business owners and entrepreneurs to grow online.”
Daraiha Greene (Digital Coaches Program Lead), Angelina Darrisaw Cheeks (Vendor Manager of Google Digital Coaches & National Coach), Katrina Turnbow (Detroit Coach), JinJa Birkenbeuel (Chicago Coach), Shelly Bell (DC Coach), and Vicky Sepulveda (Austin Coach) spent an hour chatting with Insiders about utilizing technology to grow their ideas. The community asked questions about self-care, keeping up with tech trends, and what drew them to join Google.
Here’s one statement that resonated with many Her Agenda Insiders:
“A huge part of entrepreneurship is an understanding of the best tools for increasing revenue, growing your digital presence, and gaining new networks.”
– Shelly Bell, DC Coach
If you would like to access the conversation in its entirety, and more exclusive Her Agenda content, become a Her Agenda Insider today!
On barriers for small business owners utilizing technology for growth:
“ I recommend CEOs of small businesses be the generalists of everything, but not the executors of everything. You need to have a baseline understanding of all the tech pieces relevant to your business, but you shouldn’t be the one moving all the pieces.”
Angelina Darrisaw Cheeks, Vendor Manager of Google Digital Coaches
On balance and time management:
“I’ve also learned that separation and organization are critical…It helps me avoid running up and down the stairs with my mind, I can stay focused on one thing while I’m giving 100% to the task at hand. You can have it all, but time management, prioritization, and asking for help when you need it are [key].”
– Daraiha Greene, Digital Coaches Program Lead
You can follow the Google Digital Coaches with #GoogleDigitalCoaches, or below.
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