Her Agenda Sees Eclipsed On Broadway Thanks To #TenThousandGirls
Last week, Her Agenda brought together a group of women and their mentees to witness a story told from a point of view we don’t get to experience often enough.
We were invited to see the critically acclaimed Broadway play Eclipsed. The production stars five Black women telling the story of the Liberian Civil War, in a play that made history. Eclipsed is the first Broadway show written by a woman, directed by a woman with a cast that is all Black women. The five women managed to capture humor, struggle, strength and pain woven together with vivid dialogue and raw vulnerability.
A group of 32 women and girls came together for this night including members of our community that we call #theAgenda to experience this moment with their mentees. The night was made possible thanks to the TenThousandGirls initiative.
“Theatre has the power to unleash dreams, ignite conversations, and inspire change.
The new Broadway show ECLIPSED – starring Academy Award® winner LUPITA NYONG’O, directed by LIESL TOMMY and written by DANAI GURIRA of “The Walking Dead” – wants to share that empowering gift with young women.
Our goal is to bring 10,000 girls to see the show. These are girls from the Tri-State area between the ages of 16 to 24, who will most likely never get to experience a Broadway show. This isn’t just a promotion, we’re creating a movement. Help us shape the lives of the young women who will lead us into the future.”
Watch the video above, and check out the photos of the magical evening of mentors, mentees.

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