Here Are The Principles You Need to Know to Help You Act and Think Like A Success (Part Two)

In September, Steve Harvey released the book titled “Act Like A Success, Think Like A Success.” He partnered with Strayer University to produce the Act Like A Success conference which took place earlier this month.
The conference featured speakers including life coach Doreen Rainey, Paul C. Brunson, the money expert Patrice C. Washington, Lisa Nichols and several others. Some speakers took to the main stage for riveting speeches while others led intimate breakout sessions.
[If you missed our first post, check that out HERE before continuing. This post you’re reading now is part two!]
“Once you learn the principles to success nobody can take that from you,” Harvey told a roomful of journalists after he delivered an inspiring and funny keynote to a packed ballroom at the Hyatt in Reston Virginia.
Her Agenda was there for it all, and lucky for you we took notes on everything.
Here are the highlights from Steve Harvey’s Act Like A Success Conference presented by Strayer University [PART TWO]:
Discovering Your Roots: Understanding Your Relationship With Money, Patrice Washington

Patrice C. Washington is known as the money maven who gives real money answers. Here are a few of the lessons she shared from her colorful talk:
- Becoming wealthy has nothing to do with money. It’s your mindset.
- Your mindset creates your beliefs.
- Your beliefs dictate your thoughts.
- Your thoughts dictate your actions.
- It’s all about just taking the first step.
- Sometimes you have to take a few steps back. Don’t be afraid to take a few steps back.
- I’m tired of hearing people saying “oh I don’t have enough money.” What do you have enough of? My money was gone but my mind wasn’t.
She also mentioned something made us stand up and applaud: Why can’t you make money and help people? This was all just in the intro! Here are her main points regarding understanding your relationship with money:
1. Keep in mind: what you verbalize, you magnify in your life.
- You bring more of it to you. If you have a problem with your finances, examine how you’ve been talking about money. Affirm something new. So keeping this concept in mind, Patrice doesn’t use the term emergency funds. She calls them opportunity funds. If you have an emergency then you have the opportunity to handle it.
2. Modeling: What did you see growing up?
- To have a breakthrough you have to participate in your own rescue! Money is not attracted to people who disregard and disrespect money! It doesn’t matter how smart you are, you can still end up in a financial mess. It takes one poor decision.

3. It’s emotional.
- Stop making up excuses about why you’re not willing to do the work and execute. You can start building your team before you really need them. When God sees what you’re working on He’ll send what you’re waiting on. There’s always someone watching you who has the power to bless you. But what are they watching you do? Are you playing your part? Rationalizing is no more than rationing out lies.

Read on for our notes on Lisa Nichols’ talk titled Unapologetic Success.
Unapologetic Success, Lisa Nichols
No introduction needed. Lisa Nichols is a powerful motivational speaker, life coach and author. Here are some of the motivating mantras she shared through telling the inspirational story about her path to success:
- Fear is not meant to stop you it’s meant to wake you up…to keep you up at night preparing and prepping for your goals.
- You have to be willing to understand your story but not live in your story. I’m not successful in spite of my story, I’m successful BECAUSE of my story!

On relationships:
- Make the list [of traits from your ideal significant other and then become the list.
- What promise are you willing to make to yourself?
Don’t wait:
She shared how we often wait until things are perfect or certain things are in place before taking action but…
- We need you to do it imperfect. Your imperfect can be perfect for ME.
- I made a lot of great decisions but I made plenty more poor mistakes.
Holistic Success:
Make sure you are creating holistic success. There are 4 quadrants:
- Spirituality
- Health and wellness
- Finance and business
- Your relationships
The cost of the success outweighs the success itself if you don’t have holistic success.

Revenue Streams:
She shared the importance of multiple income technology and creating at least 7 revenue streams.
- Your conviction and convenience don’t live on the same block.

- Sometimes God doesn’t show you who you will become because then you will get scared.
- I want to get credit for doing it wrong versus just thinking about doing it.
- When that fear pops up you can say ‘oh I know you, I’m going to take you along with me…’
- Some of the best motivation is our show you motivation.
- Don’t blame them for not having your vision God gave your vision to you not to them.
- Ask believe and receive yes, but then get really really busy.
- Success leaves clues you just gotta pick yours up.
- Personal development is a prerequisite for it all.