Here’s What To Do When You’re Unemployed
Although scary, becoming unexpectedly unemployed could be the next turning point in your career or the starting point of a new opportunity.
The truth is, there is always a stigma attached to unemployment in our societies and it is not something pleasant to deal with.
You feel demotivated, alienated and sometimes, useless. No matter how optimistic and strong you are, suddenly dealing with being unemployed can stir up insecurity and the fear for uncertainty, or worse; get you depressed.
What am I going to do next? Do I suck at my job? There is no law against these negative feelings. You should embrace how you feel.
But when you’re done feeling miserable, get your chin up and roll your sleeves up because this is just a small chapter of your life.
Trust me, you will rock through!
When you’re unemployed, it does not have to be all about negativity. In fact, it could be the next turning point in your career path or the entry of the opportunity you’ve always dreamt about.
Below are a few things you can do when you’re unemployed.
Check Your Employment Insurance Eligibility
When you’re unemployed, the first stone-cold fact is your income will drop dramatically. Whether you’ve lost your job unexpectedly or quit your old job to pursue your dream, it’s always nice to have some financial support to power you through during the tough days.
In Canada, Employment Insurance (EI) provides temporary income support to those who lose their jobs. As soon as you stop working, head over to the official website and check whether you’re eligible to apply for Employment Insurance.
Update Your Resume

Before you start job hunting, update your resume. It is important to update your resume as it serves as your first impression to hiring managers.
When you update your resume, try to be careful with the details such as formatting and don’t forget to remove irrelevant details. Depending on your industry, consider drafting a creative resume. For example, create a show reel for your previous work.
Reach Out to Your Professional Network
Some say success is all about who you know. Looking for a job can be time-consuming and daunting. But in addition to using job sites like Indeed or Workopolis, don’t be afraid to ask for help by reaching out to your professional network.
When you’re unemployed and looking for a new job, asking the right people at the right time, could help you land your dream job before you know it.
The pro tip is to be strategic and smart about who you ask and how you ask. Don’t forget to include a personal thank you to show you truly appreciate their help.
Volunteer Your Expertise
Look for ways to contribute and serve your community. Simple acts like sharing an article that you think is insightful or offer professional advice based on your expertise are great ways to volunteer your expertise.
In addition, you can also keep absorbing new knowledge and up-leveling your skills. For instance, you can learn a new language or sign up for an online courses. The key is to always keep yourself in the professional loop and maintain the motivation.
Keep Active

When you’re unemployed, you’ll no doubt have some extra time on your hands. Take advantage! This might be the perfect time to begin a new exercise regimen and get your body in shape.
Sure, catching up all the latest shows on Netflix is great; but you also don’t want to be too comfortable with your new friend called “belly fat” saying hello to you.
Exercising will help you become healthier, not just your body, but your mind too. Don’t take my word for it, trust science. When we exercise, our body releases endorphins, a chemical released in our brain to help us elevate our mood and emotions.
Also, it is a great way to test your perseverance because getting in shape requires much persistence and effort just like job searching.
Have Some Fun
Being unemployed doesn’t mean you have to be boring or miserable. You’re still allowed to have fun and laugh. If you do have a sufficient rainy day fund, why not spend some dollars on a spontaneous trip and go on an adventure?
The world is bigger than you think. When you return, you might have a whole new perspective towards your life goals.
You don’t have to survive unemployment. In fact, you can totally nail it. It’s okay to feel afraid and feel a little blue—it’s just human nature. But don’t wallow for too long. Your job is not who you are.
Being unemployed doesn’t make you a bad person. Continue to aim for higher. Losing your last job might just be the way of the Universe clearing a path to offer you more.