How Morgan Pitts Founder of #BlackGirlsWhoBlog Leverages Twitter For Her Brand

On October 27th, creator of #BlackGirlsWhoBlog Morgan Pitts joined subscribers of #theAgenda to share how she has learned to leverage Twitter for her brand.
Check out a few gems from her conversation below, and be sure to subscribe to our members-only exclusivee community #theAgenda for access to more insider inights and Her Agenda content that you can’t get here!

When asked what are some key tactics to using social media to its full potential for marketing a brand:
“Consistency. I think that being consistent is the most major of all the keys. Also, being genuine and engaging as well as really investing in your audience.”
On which fields she would like to see more Black girls and women dominate:
“I want to see us dominate everywhere and excel/be at the top of every field. I can’t pick one! I work in fashion, so selfishly I guess if I had to choose one, I’d like to see more black women CEOs and creative directors in the fashion industry as well as editor in chiefs of mainstream magazines. I want to create opportunities and break down more barriers for black girls coming behind me.”
Two quotes that keep her inspired when the going gets tough:
“This too shall pass.” and “Nobody said it’d be easy, just that it’d be worth it.”
To learn more about Morgan, you can follow her on Twitter and follow Black Girls Who Blog on Instagram. To get access to the full archived conversation and make sure you don’t miss the next live chat, subscribe to #theAgenda today. For a limited time we’re offering a 14-day free trial.