4 Ways To Become A Full-Time Author

Unlike regular careers, the path to becoming an author can be unconventional. There is no blueprint, and you have to consistently work at your craft and prove yourself. Ultimately, your tenacity and will to dedicate yourself is what will separate you from others pursuing the same goal.
However, if writing is your passion and becoming a full-time author is something you desire, here are four options to make that happen.
1. Ghost Write To Build Your Portfolio
Ghostwriting can be your entryway into the publishing world, as you can make connections and build your resume and portfolio. Some people don’t like this route because your name isn’t broadcasted, but just as songwriters get their credit, so will you.
“I’m a professional writer, author, and book ghostwriter who earns a living writing books, though today I mainly write books for other people so that they can become authors,” said Marcia Layton Turner, ghostwriting author.
Marcia said she pitched her first book and got her first contract in her 20s, when she wrote a book about marketing fine art.
“That then qualified me to write other books, and I went on to write several in the Complete Idiot’s Guide series,” she said. “However, the publishing industry started to shift and I found it was more lucrative to help other people write their books, which is how I became a full-time book ghostwriter. I’ve authored, co-authored, or ghostwritten 80+ books.”
2. Become A News Reporter Or A Freelance Writer

Allison Wells, author of women’s fiction and sweet romance books, is a certified writing coach and editor who started her career as a newspaper reporter.
“I hated that I was always writing about bad news and wanted to write something uplifting instead,” she said. “I wrote three novels over the course of a few years, while also starting my family. Over time, I transitioned to become a freelance writer for a few different publications, all while querying my books.”
The journey to becoming a full-time author looks different for everyone. Trying out different aspects of writing is beneficial as you not only see what works best for you, but it makes your writing more versatile.
3. Be Open To Working On Multiple Projects At Once

Nonfiction writer Avery Caswell said she continues to write fiction, and works a bit every day on new projects.
“I have two finished manuscripts waiting for the right publisher, and three other works in various stages of completion,” she said. “I am also working on a commissioned biography.”
In addition, she also works with a variety of writers, from coaching beginners to editing well-established novelists.
“For me, working on multiple projects is how I make writing a viable career,” she said. “The hard truth is a full-time writer in the U.S. on average makes $7000 a year. Self-published authors often lose money on their writing ventures.”
Allow yourself to creatively be free; this means stepping outside of your comfort zone and welcoming all opportunities. Working on multiple projects can not only sustain you monetarily but also open the door for more opportunities in the future.
4. Invest In Yourself And Your Career
You must invest in yourself before anyone else will, so you have to do the work now. This means you have to write daily, engage with your readers, find your target audience, and work diligently. If you want to be a full-time author you have to put in the time and effort. The journey won’t be easy, but it will be worth it.
“Treat your writing as a career. Have office hours dedicated to the different parts of being an author – writing, editing, engaging with readers, marketing, etc,” Allison said.