How To Build Relationships With Co-workers Outside Of The Break Room

There’s no doubt, it adds a sense of camaraderie and enjoyment if those working together take some time outside of the office to engage and fellowship. Most people in a professional setting haven’t been involved in extracurriculars since high school or college, which is how most people mingle grow a sense of unity among the larger population. Since we spend most of our day in the office typically, we should try to build relationships with our co-workers outside of the break room.
Here are some tips on how to build those personal connections within your work environment:
Attend the Office Parties
Nothing brings people together like food, and most workplaces will have an annual or office party or picnic. The next time you see flier or invite to that kind of event, make sure you sign up to bring a dish and be ready to mingle. Taking the time to talk with your co-workers about something other than that project you’re working on will allow for great camaraderie You’ll also get to talk to people you don’t particularly work with often.
Join the Co-Ed Team
Some places have a company softball team in the summer, or basketball team in the winter. Take a season and join, or if you’re not athletically inclined, make sure to go cheer your team on at the games! Sports builds a sense of teamwork and collaboration that you can take back to the office and be even more in tune with how to work with your staff.
Go To Happy Hour
Invite a few colleagues out for drinks and appetizers after work one day. Getting to know each other in a place outside of the office will let you get to know your co-workers on a more personal level. Going to a nice lounge or restaurant will allow inhibitions to be lowered and the casual setting will let the conversation go from the latest episode of Dancing with the Stars to your ideas on where you’ll spend your next vacation days
Find A Mentor
Find someone in the office who’s been around for a while and knows the ends and outs. They’re probably the most in tune with the business and the personalities of those who work there. Get close to them and let them tell you how to interact with certain people. Normally they know a bit of the life story of people who have been there for a while, so they can help you learn how to approach the varying individuals of the people you work with.