How To Close The Gap Between Your Dreams And Reality

Sometimes, it can feel impossible to achieve your dreams and to get the success in your career that you have always wanted- and that you deserve. However, achieving your dreams is never as impossible as it may seem. If you feel as if you are stuck in a career rut, here are some of the top steps, such as studying for an online MBA, that you can take to open the doors of opportunity both now and in the future.
Get The Education That You Need
The most important step that you can take when you are planning to bridge the gap between your dreams and reality is to take any steps at all. Being proactive about your career goals can allow you to constantly move forward and keep progressing toward your end goal, even if you feel as if you are not ever going to get there. One of the top steps that you can take to open doors for yourself is to get the education that you need. This basic requirement will ensure that you pass application processes with flying colors and that people start to notice what you have to offer.
However, taking years out of your life to get an education can be difficult, especially if you have other commitments, such as a family. In cases like these, you should consider taking an online MBA. At a reputable online university, you will find that they offer a range of online MBA qualifications in a variety of specialisms, most of which are perfect for those that are interested in getting into business and becoming entrepreneurs. No one simply rises to the top of their career ladder without taking action like getting an online MBA. By taking this online MBA, you will be able to gain the skills and experience that you need to be in with a realistic chance of obtaining your dream position.
Build Your Finances
Although you might not believe that your financial position could impact your career, building up enough funding behind you will allow you to take important steps such as studying for an online MBA. Not only this but being in a good financial situation will allow you to take time away from your current job or to quit it altogether so that you can focus on your dreams. When you are aiming toward your dream position, it is well known that having a job can be helpful when you are looking for one, and so many people decide to take on a part-time job that will allow them to balance their career progression with a steady income.
Create A Career Vision
There is no shame in procrastination. After all, we all put off important tasks on our to-do list in exchange for scrolling social media. However, if you are finding that you are experiencing a great amount of ennui in terms of your career, you should create a career vision where you can imagine and put down to paper what your dream is. This can help to motivate you when you are feeling unproductive and can ensure that you have a fixed point to work toward. Not only this, but knowing what you want for your career is important as this will allow you to take specific steps that will actively help you to achieve your dreams, and will ensure when you finally do achieve your dreams, that you are happy with the choices that you have made.
Many people decide to create a career vision board that allows them to envision their perfect career, lifestyle, and paycheck in one place. Many people pin them up in their offices for extra inspiration for those dull Monday mornings.
Know What To Do
To close the gap between your dreams and reality, you need to know what steps you need to take and make them a part of your career plan. Knowing what to do will ensure that none of your actions are aimless and that you are ticking off boxes that will lead you straight to your target. If you do not do this, some of the efforts that you are putting into your career may end up going to waste. You should then thoroughly research your chosen career, follow people on social media who hold your dream career role, and read interviews and blog posts by these people. You might also be able to learn more by taking an online MBA, as universities and colleges often strive to prepare you for the wider working world and have connections with professionals and networking groups.
Continue Striving For Success
However, not everything that you need to do to achieve your career dreams is a concrete action. Instead, closing the gap between your dreams and reality can simply be a case of changing your mindset. Rather than giving up at the first hurdle, you need to continue to strive for success and believe that you can achieve your dreams, rather than simply believing that they are impossible. You will not achieve your dreams if you do not continue to work toward them, and if you do not strive for success just because you think that you will not get there, you definitely will not. However, you also need to be aware when it is time to take a break and recharge. Not only can this help your mental health and stress levels, but it can also give you time to regroup and reflect on your progress, giving you the opportunity to stand back and see where you need to go next.
Set Impossible Goals
Goal-setting is a fine art, and most of the advice suggests that you should set small, achievable goals for yourself. While this needs to be the case to boost your motivation and to allow you to feel as if you are making progress constantly, you also need to make sure that you create larger, overarching goals that seem impossible. By reaching for the stars, you will be able to excel yourself, and, even if you do not reach your final goal, you will be able to go further than if you were to set the same goals as everyone else. Setting huge goals ensures that you keep moving forward rather than settling when you could be doing more.
Focus On What You’re Good At
Whatever career you are thinking about, you should consider your skills and talents and how they can complement the path of your choosing. Although people do not always choose the careers that they are best at, choosing a career that uses what you are good at can help you to progress faster and to excel in your role. If you are struggling with any aspect of your career choice, you should take the time to improve your skills and expertise. You can do this by watching webinars and taking classes, by studying for an online MBA, or by getting work experience in the industry that you want to go into. This will make you a more viable candidate and can ensure that your dreams do not stay as just dreams.
Streamline Your Approach
When you are heading for the career of your dreams, you should also know how to streamline your approach to it. Rather than spending your time and money on steps that will not help you progress any further, it would be best to scrap side projects for the real deal. To do this, you should assess which projects are making an impact on your career and helping you to develop the connections that you need, and which are simply occupying your time and distracting you from your goals. This will help you to focus your energy and commitment on a step or project that will help to drive you to success, and ensure that your concentration is not split between many menial tasks that will not help you to go far. By using your time wisely in this manner, especially during the current pandemic, you will be able to thrive and to make sure that you do not have regrets as soon as you retire.
Get Support
However, even though you might want to rely on your own ambition to succeed, it is impossible to stand on your own two feet all the time. Then, it would be best if you considered looking to get the support that you need. This can help you to reduce your stress levels and can even progress your career at a much faster pace. Although it can be difficult to get the family to support your career choices, family and friends can be excellent ways to gain support in achieving the best work/life balance, such as being childcare providers and providing encouragement. They may also be able to help you to make connections if you are working within the same industry as them. Not only this, but there are also many ways to get more professional forms of support. For instance, you should consider speaking to a career advisor or attending a networking group where you might be able to find a mentor or an investor who can support you throughout the duration of your career. You should also consider other, practical forms of support such as that of a financial advisor and that of your bank.
Although it can feel like failing is the last thing that you want to happen and that a failure would spell the end of your career, this is not the case. Instead, failure is important because it helps you to learn what to do better next time and can give you the boost that you need to press forward. Not only this, but failure may show you that you are heading toward a career path that you are not interested in. Not only this, but it can also help to boost your problem-solving skills and resilience. Then, to overcome failure gracefully and get back in the game, you should always assess your failures, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and have a plan B for your career that you can fall back on when times get tough.
Don’t Try To Have Everything
When you imagine your dream career and lifestyle, it can be easy to go over the top and to create a fantasy that is not achievable in any shape or form. Instead, achieving your goals is all about compromise and isolating what is important to you. For instance, to be the owner of a large company, you may have to work long hours or sacrifice family events, whereas to have a laidback lifestyle, you may have to choose a career option that puts less pressure on you. By finding a healthy balance between the elements of your lifestyle that are most important to you, you will be able to ensure that your dreams come true without leaving you suffering from career burnout.
Minimize Your Ego
If you believe that you are the cat’s pajamas and that you are almost invincible, you will likely stop seeking the constant improvement and dedication that is the backbone of career progress. Although having confidence is important to make your voice heard and get your talents recognized, you should also be sure to humble yourself if you want to keep learning, especially from others. If you want to make connections that could give your career the final boost that it needs.
Everyone has a career dream that they think about when they are bored of their 9-5, or before they fall asleep on a Sunday night, with only a monotonous Monday ahead of them. Closing the gap between your career dreams and reality can seem like it is simply a fairy-tale, and one that is without a happy ending, at that. However, by staying proactive, such as taking an online MBA, and by changing your mindset, you will soon be able to host the position that you want and live within your career vision every single moment of the day.
[Editor’s note: This article is produced by one of our trusted partners.]