How To Finesse Your Finals Week With Straight A’s

With finals week quickly approaching, you might be frantically thinking about how you’re going to memorize a semester’s worth of material for five or more classes in less and less time. Finals week is crunch time, however don’t sweat. Follow these simple steps to avoid a finals week fiasco and uplift your GPA.
Confirm ALL final exam times
Your school will create its own final exam schedule. Some exams may be hours before or after normal class times, so be sure of when each exam is so you don’t end up missing it. You may also have conflicting exam times, meaning while you are trying to finish up your math final, another test may have already begun. You should take all the time you need for each final exam. If you notice that some of them overlap, email both professors to inform them of your dilemma and ask if they can offer you an alternative schedule.
Create a color coded study schedule around your exams
You’ll have multiple tests to take, so it is crucial you give each subject a dedicated amount of study time. Creating a color coded schedule will help you remember what exactly you need to study and when. In your planner use colorful pens, or create an excel spreadsheet using color and boxes. Some subjects may take a little more time than others to cover, so write down times you will dedicate to each one (i.e. ENGLISH (7pm – 8:30pm).

Find a comfortable place to study
Not everyone has the same idea of a functional place to study. Some people can only study in their room with all of their materials spread out to their heart’s desire, while others prefer the library. Whatever type of space you enjoy reviewing your notes in, be sure to heavily utilize it during finals week. Being comfortable in your environment can help you study effectively and not worry about things that may be taking place around you.
Study groups
Study groups can be quite helpful. However, they may be more effective if they’re done with people in the same class and not just your regular group of friends. While studying with your friends sounds fun, you may not focus as attentively as you could. When you study with classmates, you can all teach each other about specific topics you didn’t quite understand in class. Study groups may result in lack of actual studying and copious amounts of leisure conversation. Only participate if you can focus on your work and not talk about reality television.
Do NOT cram
Cramming is one of the worst things you can do. Your brain can only process but so much information at one time, so trying to fit a semester full of information into two days isn’t a smart decision. Finals week is inevitable during college, and if you want to do well, you’ll plan ahead. Try to make it a habit to go over each week’s classes at the end of the week, that way when it’s time for finals, all you have to do is review and refresh. Make sure you study any topics you may have forgotten about, and glance over the ones you are confident about.
Final examinations can either make or break your grade for the semester. Following these tips can help you get through the week without panicking, cramming. or even crying. Good luck!