How To Refresh Your Approach To Money In 2025

The end of one year and the start of a new one is the perfect time to take a look at your finances and refresh your approach to making – and saving – money.
If you are not sure how to make more money or increase your savings, we have pulled together six ways you can refresh your approach to money today.

Find A Financial Helping Hand
Asking for help can be a pride-shattering experience, but if someone can help you significantly with your finances, making a quick Google search can be worthwhile and beneficial.
“Find someone to walk you through it. You need someone to hold your hand and talk to you about how [refreshing your approach to money] works best, and how to tailor it specifically for you,” Caitlynn Eldridge, CPA (Certified Public Accountant), told Her Agenda.
Caitlynn also adds people will read hundreds of books and nothing will ever quite feel right, but having that helping hand is how you will usually see the best results.
Make A Financial Plan That Matches Your Lifestyle
A key element toward reaching your financial goals as a millennial is being realistic. You have to write down your income, live within your means, and be willing to sacrifice. This means you may miss out on some activities with friends and family to reach your goals. And that is okay.
“Make sure your plan matches the life you want to live. Ask yourself ‘Am I going toward my goals?’ Beyond that, you have to sit down and figure out, ‘Is my money going to the same places I value?’” Jay Zigmont, PhD, CFP, Founder of Childfree Wealth, told Her Agenda.

Create A Budget
“Creating a budget is key to knowing everything that’s coming in and going out each month, and making sure your spending is aligned with your financial goals. It also enables you to identify patterns, which can help bring awareness to areas where you might be overspending,” Monique White, Head of Community at Self Financial, told Her Agenda.
Monique recommends the 50-30-20 method, which allows 50% of spending on needs, 30% on wants, and 20% for savings or paying off debts.
Avoid Comparison At All Costs
Social media makes it so convenient to compare your life to others, but the truth is nobody posts every aspect of their lives. It is said that comparison is the thief of joy. If you want to experience happiness in totality, avoid comparison, and social media and focus on your goals.
“I hate the articles that say by age 30 you have to have this and by 40 you should have that. We’re all running a different race. Our race and speed need to match us. If you get stuck in comparison research says you’ll never be happy,” Zigmont said.
He also added that comparison will leave you with a feeling that’s never enough, which eventually turns into the Hedonic treadmill which is essentially one becoming desensitized waiting for their next hit. And if it sounds like drugs it’s close, but that’s what our society is currently based on.
Educate Yourself On The Importance Of Credit
Unfortunately, credit, money management, or financial intelligence isn’t something that is taught in high school. However, credit is a significant aspect of refreshing your financial well-being. There is also a level of discipline that comes with changing the way you handle money.
“Building healthy habits is a critical part of credit building, which is what we focus on at Self because it impacts finances so profoundly. Paying bills on time, limiting how much you put on a credit card, and regular check-ins with your spending throughout the month are all habits that can help build a healthy financial foundation,”White said.
Realize That Refreshing Your Approach To Money Isn’t Easy
When it comes to habits, they cannot be easily changed. Give yourself grace and take each day a step at a time. Each step towards making financially sound decisions is a win if you try.
“I’m gonna connect it to developing the habits of eating better or exercising; It takes effort, time, and dedication. Sometimes money takes longer too because things will pop up that are maybe seasonal or only happen annually,” said Eldridge.
Don’t give up. Don’t be too hard on yourself. And most importantly, don’t let one bad day determine tomorrow.