How Vlogging Can Help You Establish Authority When You Start Your Own Website
The world is in a digital era, and this often means new business is begun in the threads of the worldwide web. Businesses now rely heavily on a strong online presence to make it in their industry, so a handle on social media, web design and blogging is absolutely necessary for success.
One of the elements that is truly rising through the ranks of brand strategy consulting firms is vlogging. If you haven’t heard of it, you’re probably walking around with closed eyes! Vlogging is the means of using videos to get a message across to customers and clients instead of a written blog. Most videos that you see going viral online are that of quality content, funny content and people who have something genuinely interesting to say. You see, videos have the absolute power to capture the eye of the watcher and get into their head. Reading words on a blog is easy, but the written word is easily misconstrued. You cannot often garner tone, expression or inflection on a blog, which is why vlogging is now rising in popularity.
The use of video on a new company website is a way to really engage the person visiting your site. Starting your business website can be done quickly and simply, as there are many free platforms to get the bare bones of your business out there. You can hire in a sturdy designer to give your website the life it would need to truly flourish, and you can diligently hire in expensive staff to do your vlogs for the site for you. People want to see regular people express themselves, and your website can avoid being stuffy and boring by having fun and enigmatic characters playing their part in your company vlogs. If clients and customers out there know you by the amazing vlog you have loaded on YouTube, discussing the industry you are in, the changes your business is making and topics that relate to the service or product you provide, people will start to listen.
Your chosen vlogs can quickly rise in popularity if you are combining your business vlog with the website and other social media channels. There is no need to be left out in the cold with your business if you can be an authority in your industry, purely with the power of video and not the written word. People are visual, and so preparing a vlog that tells the world what your business can do, while injecting fun into it, will get noticed. It’s one of the strongest marketing tools today and the vloggers of today currently have thousands – if not millions – of followers. All you have to do is look at links like this one and know that your business will be current and trending.
Starting your own business website is a given in the current digital business world we are evolving into. Making sure you step up to the vlogging plate is something that can change your entire business, so, vlog off while you have the chance!
[Editor’s note: This is a post from one of our partners.]