Instagram Got You Envious? Here’s How To Fix That

Scrolling through other people’s feed, feeling overwhelmed and exasperated that you can’t do it exactly like them can leave us with Instagram envy. In an interview with Bustle, Mandy Moore reflects on her time as a pop star, alongside the likes of Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera.
“When I look back on being a pop star, those girls, they were made for it.” She’s talking about Spears and Christina Aguilera, of course. (She could be talking about Jessica Simpson, but it’s… unlikely.) “They’re dancers and they’re entertainers and they’re performers. They give their all — and costume changes! — and they can live on that level. And that was never going to be me.”
That’s how it goes, though: We chase something that we think will provide the success or appreciation we want until we realize it’s not who we are and it’s not worth it. The desire to achieve success and become better and better is something that, whether on our own terms or not, can become very stressful.
Scrolling through other people’s feed, feeling overwhelmed and exasperated that you can’t do it exactly like them can leave us with Instagram envy — a little green-eyed monster that sits on our shoulders, bringing out the very worst in us.
I briefly went down this rabbit hole. But luckily, I concluded that I should just stick to my own style. I have a very distinct style and you do too, so it’s safe to say if you stay true to yourself, you’ll be much happier and more successful.
Mandy Moore knows who she is, and who she isn’t, meant to be. Similarly, we should embrace our own strengths and be more like ourselves, when it comes to social media.
Instagram is Not Reality
It is easy to become jealous when scrolling through your Facebook or Instagram feed because people mostly post about positive experiences in their lives. But social media captures life’s highlight moments, not the everyday reality. When you see these photos you need to keep in mind that this is not a depiction of regular life.
Just like print magazines, TV or the movies, photographs posted to social media are Photoshopped, cropped and employ editing filters to make them look better than the original photo.
It’s important to understand that businesses and Influencers (who are also businesses) invest a lot of resources, time and money carefully constructing their feeds — just like a magazine editor who curates the pages of a high-priced glossy magazine with photo shoots, editorials and ads.
Post — Not Boast
Online show and tell is both a blessing and a curse. Social media is a place where showcasing glamour can captivate interest and boost popularity. But be mindful of what you’re posting. I’m not saying you shouldn’t post the cool things you do. Rather, let your social media reflect your reality and your highlight moments. This way, you’re part of the solution and not perpetuating the problem of Instagram envy.
Know your Limits
Don’t base your self-worth off of whether a person double taps on an image of you. Remind yourself why you are a good person, why you are beautiful, and why you are attractive and worthy of love—most of all, your own love.
If you struggle with Instagram envy, then set a limit for yourself. Schedule weekly social media detox time where you step away from all your channels for one day a week.
Focus on what you have, not what your friends have. Join activities like a running group or a book club. It’s good to have time to clear our heads from social media. By constantly comparing your life to your friends, you may lose sight of the amazing things about your own life.
What’s the Bottom Line?
In order to deal with social media jealousy, manage the way you use social media, create healthy relationships online and if all else fails, take a social media detox for a while