Lan Phan’s Advice To Women Who Want To Live A More Purpose-Driven Life

The pandemic has had its effects on everyone and Lan Phan is no exception.
Lan Phan is an award-winning marketer and strategist with over twenty years of marketing, advertising, membership, and leadership training experience. Most recently she held a position at Fortune Magazine, a role she considered her dream job, before being laid off.
Exactly seven days after being laid off, Lan started brainstorming the idea for Community of SEVEN, an intersectional, purpose-driven executive leadership development program. We welcomed Lan to Power Hour to share more details about this fast-growing community as well as discuss the importance of purpose-driven growth.
Here are a few excerpts from the conversation.
Lan on what being purpose-driven means:
Purpose and growth are entwined. They are not separate. When you are in a purpose-driven company, everything that you do is through the lens of your values. How you create your product; Your hiring decisions; How you go to market. Even your customer base. As a personal brand, it’s the same. Every decision you make is through the lens of your purpose and value. They become your North Star.
On the difference between passion and purpose:
Passion is what gets you motivated to start. It’s the strong emotions that emanate when you are doing, or around something you love. Purpose is the reason you do something. It’s what keeps you going for the long haul. In my opinion, purpose usually deals with something that is bigger than you. The sweet spot is when passion and purpose align.
Lan on being laid off from her dream job:
It was devastating. I was depressed for several days, my 6-year old daughter Morgan had to walk me through breathing exercises. On the seventh day I got up and I came up with the idea of community of SEVEN. I wasn’t sure what I was building at this point but the name stuck.
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Lan’s advice to young women who want to live a more purpose-driven life:
You’re worth it. When you live a life of value and purpose, it’s based on what is important to YOU. Stop living your life for others.Stop caring what other people think. Stop caring about titles and where you think you should be in your career. Focus on what matters the most in your life.
To access the full chat and more exclusive Her Agenda content, become a HER AGENDA INSIDER. You can find Community of Seven on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.