Launching Your Movement And Gaining Momentum In The New Year

On January 12th, co-founder, publisher and president of Her Campus Windsor Hanger Western joined subscribers of #theAgenda to share how to launch your own movement and gain momentum in the process.
Windsor was so gracious to share with us many of her lessons learned, but this one gem stuck out the most:
“Don’t let them convince you that you can’t! People will see your success and your determination, and you will win them over with your actions.”
If you would like to access the conversation in its entirety and more exclusive Her Agenda content, subscribe to #theAgenda today!

On what inspired her to launch a career in entrepreneurship and media:
“What we realized was that there was no outlet for college women specifically. There was a lot of high school focused media and then all of a sudden, once you graduated high school, you were forced into the world of women’s media. There was no publication out there that could help you make the most of your college experience.”
On approaching big brands and convincing them to collaborate:
“The biggest thing to know is that authenticity is everything and that connections can make an introductory email go from 0 to 60 very fast! My biggest tip is to make sure that whatever project you’re proposing, make sure it really fills a void in the marketplace – that you’re the only one that could do whatever you’re proposing well. Also, every person you meet, socially, through internships, through work, make sure you connect with them on LinkedIn.”
On the biggest lessons she’s learned in her career thus far:
1. Relationships are everything. 2. Be genuine in everything that you do. 3. Every person that you encounter is important and has value.
To learn more about Her Campus, follow them on Twitter and Instagram.