If You Hate Doing Your Laundry, LaundryHeap Is For You

Everybody has their least favorite household chore. Growing up, my mom hated taking out the trash, my roommate absolutely hates doing the dishes, and I absolutely despise doing the laundry. Every aspect of it is taxing to me. I don’t like gathering the clothes, separating them, or folding them. And when it comes to ironing, you can completely forget about it.
For people who hate doing laundry like me, there are ways to avoid it. One of the easiest ways to avoid having to do your own laundry is by simply downloading the LaundryHeap app. LaundryHeap is a service that covers pretty much every aspect of your laundry for you. The app is super accessible, walking you through every step, making laundry day as easy as possible.

The first thing to do after downloading the app is schedule a time for collection. When I first used the app, I made sure to get my laundry picked up the same day, before going into work. Thankfully, the times were pretty flexible. The second thing that you have to do is get your clothes together for pickup. LaundryHeap asks that you use a disposable bag and only one per service. As the driver is approaching, you will be notified that they are nearby. After they pick up your bag, all you have to do is wait for your washed clothing to return to you.
The app has a 24 hour turnaround window and really easy rescheduling options. When I used it, my laundry came back to me the next morning. I was notified when they would be delivering it, so I was prepared for them to come. My laundry came back in new reusable LaundryHeap bags. All of my clothes were neatly folded and packed. All that I had to do was put my clothes away.
The app offers you the option to customize your cleaning service. You can just wash, iron, do your dry cleaning, and more. If you want a one-stop shop, you can add on as many services as you’d like. The pricing is available depending on which or how many services you would like to use. The pricing functions are extremely easy to use and browse. I utilized the “wash and fold” option for around thirty dollars.
LaundryHeap also prides itself on being environmentally friendly. The company uses zero-emission delivery vehicles, practices efficient water use, and uses trusted cleaning partners. While the service started out in the United Kingdom, it has expanded to eleven countries, including Qatar, Sweden, and the United States.
If you’re in one of the available countries and you can’t stand laundry day as much as me, consider taking the pressure off of yourself and letting LaundryHeap take care of it.
[Editor’s note: This article is a sponsored post.]