Learn First Hand What It Takes To Be The CEO of a Fortune 500 Company

In less than 6 months, you could possibly become CEO of a 500 fortune company (or close to it!)
With the goal to encourage young people to practice their leadership skills in real life, Adecco has announced the launch of its 2015 “CEO for One Month” competition.
The contest takes place in 30 countries, and addresses the mismatch of skills and experience that is proving to be the main obstacle for young people entering the workforce. According to their research, youth unemployment figures stand at 20 percent in the USA and over 23 percent in Europe, with a high number of 54 percent in Spain. A research study by the Catalyst knowledge center cites that women currently hold just 4. 6 percent of CEO positions at Fortune 500 companies.
Adecco, as the global leader in HR solutions, decided to take action and extend a helping hand to a generation struggling to find the right workplace. By encouraging them in taking their first steps in the working world through their “CEO for One Month” competition, the company hopes to change this statistics and provide the youth with future career opportunities.
Last year, the global competition was won by 26-year old Paolo Ospina from Colombia. She told Adecco that joining their offices was a great learning experience, allowing her to see what it takes to be a CEO from a firsthand account.
“I was doing all the things that a real CEO does: attending conferences, important meetings as well as being part of key events, which is not something that everybody gets to experience. I can now say that it was a once-in-a-life-time opportunity and in these 30 days I have grown not only personally but professionally. Thank you everyone and remember, DREAM BIG!”
Ospina encourages others to join this career opportunity, and hopes they will take way from this experience as much as she did. Her journey with Adecco, can be viewed here.
The opportunity is both unique and needed, as often, you cannot be what you cannot see. Role models and direct examples are so important when developing the next generation. Unfortunately, there hasn’t been enough visibility of women in CEO positions and a recent study by talent management firm Saba revealed that just 31 percent of Millennials aspired to a position within the C-Suite. This compares with 38 percent from the previous generation.
Despite the statistics, ambitious women shouldn’t stop aiming for the top (however they define it). We were able to catch up with the CEO of Adecco Group North America, Bob Crouch, who offered us his tips on what makes a successful leader and CEO.
1. Find a Mentor
It’s important to have someone you admire, trust and respect and who you can go to for honest advice and criticism. They may not always tell you what you want to hear and you make not always agree, but it will be the most important business relationship you make.
2. Fail Fast
It’s not failing that matters, it’s how you deal with it. If you fail, fail fast and reroute to a solution. Einstein had said insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results – so when something isn’t working, change it and work toward a solution.
3. Never Stop Learning
You don’t know it all, and that’s okay. Be a lifelong student and learn from those around you, from leaders you admire, and from your experiences.
The deadline for the competition closes May 1, 2015. Following the submission process, seven finalists will be selected to join a one-week boot camp in Jacksonville, Florida to compete for this unique internship/shadowing opportunity. The winner will be selected based on that experience and begin their internship the week after. The intern is paid $10,000 and has the opportunity to travel across the country with housing and food stipends to be provided.
Simultaneously, similar programs will be taking place on a global scale in 30 countries with their local CEOs. The 10 most successful interns from the 30 countries will then become eligible for a month long mentorship with Adecco’s Global CEO, Patrick De Maeseniere.
To apply for the internship, visit the CEO For One Month website. Additional information on the program and other resources can be found at the Way to Work™ website.
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