Link List: Stories Around The Web To Add To Your Reading Agenda

This week’s list of article’s we thought you’d find indispensable!
This [cover] letter is your chance to sell yourself. Don’t plant the seed in my mind that you aren’t the best candidate for the job. You don’t want to be overly cocky, but I’ll take confident over meek any day.
This is an article I just read last night, and it’s been on my mind ever since. For anyone that wants to work in the media (we did just post a new job opportunity at Slate, after all!), this article is required reading. Goldstein’s tips are conversational and ready to enhance whatever resume or cover letter you submit.
I have so much gratitude for being a woman in America. I never lose sight that I was born in the right country, at the right time. And, I never lose sight of the fact that there are millions of women around the world who are not dealt the same deck of cards upon their birth. Simply because of their gender, they are not given the same chance I had to create my own success and follow their dreams. It is for those women that I make this pledge.
Spanx founder Sarah Blakely and Tory Burch, founder of her eponymous fashion brand, are two women I can get behind with bothy my dollars and my mind. These women are committed to helping other women succeed, and I love their admission of the fact that in this day and age, no one makes it to the top without any help.
In the coming weeks, I challenge you to take Huffington’s advice and be present, wherever you are, whomever you are with. Abandon your cell phone when you’re out with friends, heading to bed, our having quality time with your family. Stop looking at the many screens that surround you and look at the world — be inspired. And then take that energy and create.
I once read an article written by a mother concerned with her kids’ use of media. Placing limits on “screen time” (as she referred to it) included any task that involved a screen–TV, computer, cell phone, iPad, gaming devices, etc. were all included in this umbrella term– allowed her kids to get involved in more interpersonal activity. I’ve thought about this idea ever since, and have occasionally stopped to consider my own screen time. My Dad sometimes jokes that my phone is permanently attached to my hand, and I’ve often thought that because I’m scrolling through The Atlantic’s twitter feed or skimming AP reports that it’s okay to take a break from who I’m with or where I am every so often and distract myself with whatever is going on online. Huffington’s reminder is valuable and I’m doing my best to institute it more often.
It’s not unusual to wake up to a long backlog of e-mails just screaming for your attention. The challenge is taking a moment for yourself before diving head first into your day.
After my alarm sounds whatever Beyonce song I’ve chosen to wake me up in the morning (as of late, this underrated gem), I grab my iPhone from my bedside table and check my e-mail. It’s a terrible habit, but it helps me ease into getting my mind working again and ready to plan for the day. No longer. Before my daily 8 AM classes, maybe I’ll try a few yoga stretches or perhaps a few deep breaths will do the trick, but either way, there’s got to be a more therapeutic way to greet the day.
Figuring out how to be productive with the time that we have and being good stewards of our time. One thing that you learn as an entrepreneur is that you can’t do it all in one day. It’s definitely a marathon and not a short race.
Plugging two Her Agenda articles in the same post might seem like shameless self-promotion, but this interview really spoke to me. Outside of a year of doing weekly Zumba classes in high school, I’ve never really worked out consistently. I eat fairly healthily and have a fast metabolism and a naturally thin frame, but reading this interview has really inspired me to get back into yoga, try a new barre class, and (of course) kick butt at time management.