Link List: Stories Around The Web To Add To Your Reading Agenda

Here’s some stories we think are informative or inspirational for you to read.
In the workplace, all sexism, both overt and benevolent, thwarts women’s opportunities to contribute and lead by perpetuating a narrow set of societal roles that can undervalue their potential, undermine their self-worth, and reinforce 19th century views about a woman’s place.
It’s important for women working in typically male-dominated industries to read about sexism in the workplace and beyond in order to successfully navigate through it. I hadn’t given much thought to the idea of “benevolent” sexism, a breed that doesn’t seem as nefarious as it is, but it’s one more thing holding women back from being seen as total equals in the working world.
It is important for each of us to think critically about what a living a successful life means to us without the opinions of others getting in the way.
The minute I came across this piece, I knew I had to post it. Often Millennials feel especially pressured to achieve a very narrowly-defined idea of success and achievement, and I liked that the author acknowledged these pressures. Asking readers to look at the the real risk between going after any job after college versus going after the job for your career after college was a very bold request, and I loved the idea that being a “go-getter” wasn’t always winning award after award, but the determination to hone one’s craft in the smallest ways.
I see this all over: “have been assisting,” “have designed.” It’s extremely common and extremely passive. Own your actions: assisted, designed. You answered, managed, ran, collaborated, and led. Be bold.
This is an older article full of resume tips and tricks, and I thought that Her Agenda readers would respond well to the sassy and conversational tone. Though some of the advice I disagree with (I must admit that I love a well-placed bullet point or two), this is the only article I’ve ever read about resumes that was fun to read.
Deflecting [compliments] them is a way of ritualizing the value systems of the group. Girls are supposed to be self-effacing. They do it to fit in with the group and be liked. Research has shown other girls will not like a girl who thinks she’s better than others. Tannen says, “If boys talk as if they’re better, they can be a leader, but for girls it’s socially frowned upon.
A guest post featured on the site! The minute I first skimmed the article, I became hyper-aware of how I often deflect compliments myself, and I think it’s a very nefarious effect of an all-consuming sexist work structure. I read about a psychological phenomenon a few years ago that plagues teenage girls called the “Goldilocks Dilemma”– the idea that girls are “too sweet”, “to brash”, or “too bookish”, etc. This article really shouldn’t surprise any of us at all– it’s difficult for women to accept compliments when we’ve grown up in a culture that will only criticize us when we do.
An assignment given to me because of something I didn’t get was a defining moment of my early career.
David O. Russell is notorious for having a short temper on set, and I liked the idea that this director (who is often called the worst director to make great movies) was so open and willing to help out a high school journalist. I love reading sincere “A ha!” moments about someone’s career, and this was definitely an inspiring one.