Making Room For Your Expanding Home Business

We all dream of the day when our home-run business expands so much and is so profitable that it outgrows our little home office, and is large enough to flourish alongside other big businesses with similar success stories.
However, before we rush out and hire that huge office block with views to die for over the city lights, sit back and think whether or not your money is better growing in your account or in the bank account of the landlord who owns that gorgeous office block.
Condensing your office
So, your business is expanding, and you have outgrown your initial office area and are struggling to fit. Well, there are a few things you can do in order to give yourself a little more space, at least until you can work out what your best options are for a long-term solution.
You can reduce the size of the office equipment and furniture that you use within your office area, such as using a small laptop. This will not only save your workspace on your desk, but also storage space for when you are traveling with it. There are plenty of small laptops available from reputable businesses such as – just because they are small in size, does not mean that you are skimping in any other areas that you may need a laptop for.
This, in turn, will mean that you could get a smaller desk or even a bureau to work from. This will include storage as well as a desk for work and can be tidied away with the door shut at the end of the working day.
Expanding your home
Should you feel that the next step for your growing business is to move to bigger premises, then look no further than to your garage, basement, or loft, all of which can easily be converted, an undertaking that may even add value to your property should you wish to sell it in the future.
If you are thinking of doing this, make sure to have enough light coming in and that you have plenty of ventilation and power points.
Having a good idea of the layout of how you want it to be before you start the conversion is very beneficial, especially when it comes to fixtures such as windows, as these are expensive to have moved. Planning the layout carefully will avoid this issue.
Making use of outdoor space
If there is no option available to have a loft or basement conversion and you are not lucky enough to have a garage or other outbuilding, there is always the option of having a purpose-built office erected in your yard or garden area.
There are many different styles available, from the ultra-modern to the amazingly sweet gypsy-caravan style, though obviously do check that you are actually going to gain the amount of space you need, rather than going for something aesthetically pleasing but not practical.
[Editor’s note: This interview has been edited for length and clarity.]